Highest Rated Comments

voksul2086 karma

Hi, Gabe! I've got a question about Steam Music. Forgive me if this isn't your area, or whatever.

Is it possible for some sort of integration with services like Pandora and Spotify, in the future? I don't have a music library, per se, and mostly just use internet radio, so it'd be great if I didn't have to alt tab to change stations or skip songs. Could this happen?

voksul405 karma

Also, /u/DrJordanBPeterson, the study you cited regarding violence and monogamy refers to literal patriarchal societies where women are sold into marriage for a brideprice, which naturally creates advantages for affluent men and problems for poor men.

Why do you believe that applies to someone in modern day Toronto who spent all his time on 4chan being unable to find a girlfriend?

voksul45 karma

Also, the media ran full Trump rallies on air, so you heard the bullshit from the horse's mouth. Hillary mostly had to go through secondary channels, so what happened was:

Hillary: Green jobs! Retraining! Education!

Media: Hillary's emails?!!?!?!?

voksul13 karma

Honestly, easiest solution is to just turn it into a memorial day for those affected by Columbus.

voksul6 karma

And the implication that we don't is a frequent talking point of misogynist fringe communities like incels, redpillers, and MGTOWs that view "chads" as hogging all the big tiddy goth gfs. Which is why people called Peterson a misogynist sometimes.