Highest Rated Comments

waltbosz18 karma

  1. Have you decided/publicly-announced in which 5 districts you will be targeting?

  2. How else can I spread the word? I've posted to facebook a bunch times, but my 30-something-year-old friends don't bite.

waltbosz13 karma

I had some JWs come to my door one time and after I turned them away they closed with something to the effect of, "let us know if you want help with anything around the house". Now I'd get that if I was elderly, but I was a healthy mid-twenty y/o.

Is offering help around the house a common thing? What would they really have done for me?

waltbosz2 karma

  1. I figured that was the plan.
  2. Good idea, student loans are a hot topic on the minds of many of my compadres.

Thanks for doing Mayday PAC. I was very moved by your Ted Talks. I remember watching the first one where you introducted the idea of Mayday and I thought, "when is this going to happen, we need this now!".

Also, I lament the loss of your friend Aaron Schwartz. I did not know him personally, but the inquisitive-hacker-mind in me can sympathize for the loss. And the anxious-depressive in me can understand the weight he must have felt from an over oppressive federal indictment.