wbjo21542 karma8/21/2013, 5:07:36 PM
Ok, I got a few question here so let’s get to it.
What were some of the hot fixes you did during release day.
Is there any plans to change the color of the orbs or will they all be just slightly different blue balls?
Did you know that the whips can spawn in the golden apple tree fence …. Like one of the enriched orbs. :(
Will there be any major quests to go along with div in the near future? because I feel like it needs it own story.
Are we in fact rebuilding guthix by replacing his soul back into the world? …………. HE LIVES!
Thanks for the update I’m having lots of fun with it.
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wbjo2157 karma8/21/2013, 5:10:48 PM
Another one:
When will we be able to use xp lamps on divination?
-thanks =)
wbjo2152 karma8/21/2013, 6:29:57 PM
In response to number 5 because I'm still and shall always be in denial stage of grief.
wbjo21542 karma
Ok, I got a few question here so let’s get to it.
What were some of the hot fixes you did during release day.
Is there any plans to change the color of the orbs or will they all be just slightly different blue balls?
Did you know that the whips can spawn in the golden apple tree fence …. Like one of the enriched orbs. :(
Will there be any major quests to go along with div in the near future? because I feel like it needs it own story.
Are we in fact rebuilding guthix by replacing his soul back into the world? …………. HE LIVES!
Thanks for the update I’m having lots of fun with it.
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