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webmd1189 karma

There are so many important correlations that it is hard to pick one! ...so I will mention a couple of them.

1 - There are strong genetic correlations to migraine. We are able to follow migraine within families and we are also able to see evidence of some of the cellular abnormalities that cause some specific types of migraine and are passed down through families.

2 - One of my other favorite “surprising correlations” is associations between migraine and the weather. Although the evidence for this is inconclusive, I am a believer that weather is a factor that can influence migraine. I have seen it in so many patients. - Bert B. Vargas, MD

webmd1162 karma

First, this pains me so much to read because I know how true this statement is. We live in the wealthiest country in the world and I’m answering a question about how to provide care to a sick person. I watch politicians talk about “America’s values” and then I try desperately to help people find $50 for one month’s worth of medication. It’s sickening that we are here. I feel incredibly sad that I don’t have a better answer than this:
Try telemedicine via the internet. It’s gaining ground and I’m hearing good things. Use sites like psychcentral.com to find resources via the web and in nearby communities as well as peer communities. It’s not ideal, but it’s a good resource that is available 24/7 to anyone with internet access. -Gabe Howard

webmd748 karma

Many times, people with migraine fear that they have an underlying cause for their headaches and other symptoms due to things like aneurysms, tumors, or other similar issue. The fact is that most of the time, things like aneurysms are not to blame. Most people with migraine will have a normal MRI and vascular imaging. Interestingly, though, the correlation does seem to work in the opposite direction where a significant number of people with KNOWN aneurysms have a history of migraine - but rest assured that only a small fraction of people with migraines will be found to have an aneurysm. - Bert B. Vargas, MD

webmd599 karma

Some of these cycles can only be avoided with treatment. As much as I’d love to tell you I can manage the cycles of bipolar disorder through force of will or by using coping skills -- I can’t. I have a medical illness that needs medical intervention. I do want to touch on another point of your question -- you said “after that time, I feel sadness over that.” This is something I understand on a very personal level. I, too, feel sadness after a spell of depression or laziness or for sleeping too much. My strategy is to focus on what I’m doing well. Reward myself for the small steps I take to move forward and not focus on what I’ve done “wrong” but keep looking forward. Is it is easy? No. I have a bulletin board where I write my accomplishments and pin them to it and read them for inspiration. And when I say accomplishments I mean “took a shower today” and “cleaned the house for the first time in 2 weeks.” Celebrating little success breeds bigger victories. -Gabe Howard

webmd542 karma

Middle school is a tough time. I’m sorry that he’s had a rough run. Since it's the beginning of a new year, I would emphasize that, and always try to put things in a positive light. ‘Are your teachers helpful? Science seems so interesting,' or, 'Who do you like in your class?’ Sometimes frustration with middle school social situations can result in inability to focus on classwork too, so definitely try to find out if there is any bullying or other issues that you can help with.

Lastly, make sure that you are present a lot, even if he’s not talking to you, this makes him feel secure and he may tell you more details. And sleep is really important for him to focus and be in a good mood to tackle the day -- 12 year olds need about 9-11 hours of sleep. - Hansa Bhargava, MD