Highest Rated Comments

weirdstuffido-1 karma

Please do more if you can. I watch Reddit and I see israels post dozens, hundreds, of posts about how they are the victim and I can see they are full of garbage but other people might not, might believe them. It's pathetic, and even a little insulting, how easily they think public opinion can we swayed to their position when they are the ones killing children.

weirdstuffido-1 karma

Agreed, I don't care if you are muslim or jew or christan, it's not my fairy tale, leave me alone. Why do you think they win the public support war? Why can't the palestinians bring an equal voice to twitter or reddit or whatever to keep the israels from submitting so many memes?

weirdstuffido-1 karma

Does it upset you when israel astroturfs Reddit or other internet sites? A confession bear saying "I think israel is right to kill the palestinians" is offensive to me and I don't give a **** about either religion.

weirdstuffido-5 karma

Why doesn't israel leave palestine alone?

weirdstuffido-11 karma

Well, ok, American checking in, no, they don't, soccer isn't a sport, israel is wrong, keep fighting.