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whoisstingy14 karma

My wife and I are currently in this situation. A couple of weeks ago, we found out our son has a heart defect, DORV. We have been told that after birth he will need heart surgery that should repair the problem with 5-10% risk. Then we found out that there a number of chromosomal disorders associated with heart defects, one of which is Downs. We had an amnio done and so far everything has come back negative, thank God. In this time, my wife and I have had discussions. I used to perceive abortion as something very negative that only the weak would take advantage of. I was completely wrong. For my wife, coming from a catholic background, you're taught "pro life". We were of the same mind set that we would not be able to raise a child with a severe disorder, much less Downs. I guess I don't really have a point to this rant other than there's been a lot on my wife and my mind for the last few weeks. Without knowing you, I completely support your decision to terminate your pregnancy. The fact is, the people who might be critical of your decision most likely have never been put in that sort of position. Such a hard topic but we have to stay strong.

whoisstingy13 karma

Do you prefer E-mail or Z-mail?

whoisstingy5 karma

I've heard that the ratio of women to men in Jamaica is like 5 to 1. Is this true? Where do I sign?