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wilphred34 karma

I still paraphrase the quote to this day (referring to an Ed Hardy t-shirt) “a dragon f***ing a tiger riding a skateboard.” Am I correct in remembering that was a Bobby Bottleservice quote?

wilphred9 karma

Who is more likely to be podcasting naked you or Judge John Hodgman?

wilphred3 karma

I am sorry about the migraine issue, I get sinus headaches that are so painful I dry-heave at times.

wilphred2 karma

As you rise in you popularity (both individually and you business) have you had any weird pitches brought to you yet? Not for podcast shows, but people coming to you make a commercial or turn one of your shows into a reality show...etc...

wilphred2 karma

Has there been any talk about running podcast of Sirius/XM? It seems as though there is enough content out there and they have the channels. I would suspect it would not be just Maximum Fun shows, but all the big podcasts.