Highest Rated Comments

winwar3 karma

Yo, Random!!! You the baddest!! Loved ya in chicago these past two years! Returning anytime soon to the Sub!!?

Murdock, DABEARS!!!

winwar1 karma

Damn my phone spelling. Haha. I did not know that about your tour in the past!

Everyone i chated with enjoyed you guys, the setup time was well worth it!!

winwar1 karma

Hey guys! Been a fan for a good few years. Cant even remember when i started listening. I saw you guys with mcchris a few year ago at the sub in Chicago. I wa wondering, any chance of another concert with chris or in general in the area?? You guys were so hype and amazing. Really made the concert memorable. I believe nick had a briken leg and was still dancin around and stuff on stage like a maniac. Anyway, hope you guys are doing well, hope to hear more about powerglove soon!

winwar0 karma

Man, last year i was really interested and considering it based on what i was reading and being unsure what i wanted in life but realized its not for me. The whole process just does not seem like something i can out up with, no matter how decent the money may be.

Have you had this influence people into taking the path and if so do they update you on where they are at in the process?