Highest Rated Comments

xerdopwerko2171 karma

What do you think of the parodies that have been made of your show and image?

Specifically, the "Have a seat" meme, and your appearance in South Park.

xerdopwerko19 karma

I work at a university that recently made the switch to 8, and all the computers had to be modified with "StartIsBack" so that the teachers could use them.

So thanks for bringing the start button back.

Now, please, please improve tabbed browsing on that full-screen ie window that opens with the new-style interface. It is appalling.

Windows 7 was fantastic compared to 8, and I really find it easy to use.

However, 8 looks pretty and it's not that expensive. I am a 30-something user that likes self-switching wallpapers, fancy interfaces, really quick and slick-loooking personalisation options, things like RainMeter, and loathes Social Media.

I want my desktop to be mine, to look awesome, and to be functional and work on my middle-of-the-line laptop. And I like Microsoft. I still use my ZuneHD and love my X360.

How would you convince me to finally take the leap to Windows 8.1?

xerdopwerko11 karma

He does indeed do an awesome Vegeta, and yes, Vegeta in 36 is the coolest Vegeta ever.

xerdopwerko5 karma

I, sadly, see this.

Not planning to make the jump at all. I'm comfortable on my Win7 machine, at least for now.

xerdopwerko5 karma

Arcades were one of my favourite things about Japan, and I really wish I'd had more time to spend there.

I'm very interested in your project and will acquire it as soon as I can. I salivated for it since I heard about it. So congratulations - I envy you and also I admire you for making something about one of my favourite subjects in the world.

Now the questions:

1) How difficult was it to obtain authorisation to film and photograph inside arcades? How can a tourist get that authorisation to take pictures inside an arcade, like Hey?

2) What is your opinion about Shinya Arino and GameCenter CX? I love the show's "Tamage" segments, and that's what led me to know about your project.

3) What are your favourite arcade locations in Tokyo? How about other cities?