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y2knole1546 karma

Sql server on Linux was announced yesterday as I'm sure you are aware. What do you think this means or says about the company's direction, culture and future?

y2knole30 karma

Ryan did.

y2knole11 karma

why would you microwave a notepad?

I dont even care enough to click the link and try to figure it out.

y2knole6 karma

im really glad to hear there is a happy ending to your story, even though you are still healing and it isnt over.

And im sorry for what you went through.

y2knole1 karma

simple question... what do you forsee as the 'end' of this epidemic?

Development of a vaccine?
Basically everyone either becomes infected or has some natrual immunity?
It dies off in some kind of unlikely seasonal thing?

And second... I know its early but could you speculate on a timeline for end that to come?