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yourfaceisamess29 karma

As a non-American I have a very hard time wrapping my mind around the gun culture. I have to ask, would you feel more safe if every American carried a gun? Also, why would you want to live in a country where there is so much fear that this is required? Wouldn't it be better to find a solution to the reasoning why people feel they need a gun? I mean no disrespect by asking these questions, I just really want to know what Americans have to say about this. Our news just kind of goes back and forth briefly from either side, but we don't here what the general population has to say about it.

yourfaceisamess23 karma

Was it proved that the boyfriend was the person who was abusing your niece?

yourfaceisamess15 karma

I saw the devastation at the elementary school on the news. Do you think when they rebuild, they would put bunkers in? I don't live in the states but to hear about the tornadoes and to see the larger ones on the news, it definitely poses the question why public schools and other facilities with condensed population wouldn't have bunkers built in them when tornadoes are so common.

yourfaceisamess15 karma

This is a very "American" way of thinking. Not meant as a put down, but I have only ever heard American gun enthusiasts say this, I think its part of the culture. I live in a first world country where it is illegal to have a loaded gun on your person and even in your house, and I never fear someone is going to come up and kill me to steal my purse when I am walking down the street, Or attack me for no reason. For this I am grateful. Sure crimes happen, but I definitely don't feel a threat on my life at any level.

yourfaceisamess11 karma

Is this something that doctors see on a regular basis? I didn't know this was possible!