Highest Rated Comments

yukonwanderer46 karma

How is this any different from "welfare" that has been slowly cut back over the years? If it's universal, how is this any different from a big tax rebate? I've yet to see anyone explain how this concept is new or beneficial to society.

yukonwanderer32 karma

How do these things pass standards to be sold here?

yukonwanderer18 karma

Yeah there's evidence out there that relational trauma is particularly bad, even more so when it's someone you are attached to who harms you - it's often more detrimental in life long impact than,say, experiencing a tornado, or even a crime by a stranger.

yukonwanderer12 karma

You're saying that a lot of electronics don't have to pass electronic safety standards?

yukonwanderer10 karma

What do you think it says about someone if they are actually enjoying this new way of life? I feel like all the normal anxiety-inducing shit things in life aren't there for me anymore. Now all that's left is some existential dread, but at least 80% of what made me stressed is gone.