Highest Rated Comments

yumenohikari205 karma

Are you ever summoned to testify in court (divorce proceedings, etc.)? If so, how do civil courts view your work?

yumenohikari141 karma

I wish I could upvote you a few more times for that. As a happy free man four years post-vasectomy I'm a big advocate of that procedure, but a non-barrier contraceptive for men is a fantastic option for guys in stable situations who want to have kids later on.

yumenohikari31 karma

My biggest complaint about John Hickenlooper has been that he's quite a bit cozier with oil and gas interests than I feel he should be, especially given recent issues such as the pipeline leak and subsequent explosion in Frederick. How do you expect your approach to these groups to be different?

yumenohikari8 karma

So why do we still have sparkling dancing karaoke on OP/ED sequences and text styled so borders match hair/eye colors? Not exactly enhancing readability here, folks.

This ex-fansubber says GET OFF MY LAWN!

yumenohikari5 karma

How soon do you suppose they're going to "fix the glitch"?