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zaihtaM3 karma

How do you feel about the project CSPromod? It's a project that aims at replicating your CS 1.6's gameplay mechanics, but in the source engine, in order to make it the next big FPS-esport, as FPS's has faded away from the esports scene after the competitive death of 1.6 last year. =/


zaihtaM2 karma

I asked some followup questions to your answers about CSP, but I feel like they might've been buried so I'm gonna ask it in a new post aswell :)

Don't you think that gameplay consistency would be the very best thing? How can we make esports huge when we reset the players starpower and the fanbase with a gamechange every couple of years?

Ask the 1.6 pros whether they like the 1.6 gameplay better than the GO-gameplay and 9/10 will say yes, same goes for the fans. CS viewership is significantly smaller after the gamechange. Also, the CSP-devs wants the game to be a resource for organizers, have a dialogue about it etc. Head of CSP is Alex Garfield, he kind of know esports so that's a huge plus. Isn't that better than having a game where the devs basically doesn't care that much about esports? And isn't it better to have one game instead of switching to CS:Source 2 and so on after a couple of years? :p Also, it feels like you described GO more than CSP. GO changes those things, CSP is an exact copy. Also it's going standalone and the project now has financial backing, CSP isn't a hobbyproject anymore :)

Thanks for the AMA btw, interesting read :)

zaihtaM2 karma

As of now, very small unfortunately. It's kind of big during betareleases, there where like 20k downloads or something like that last time around, I hope the playerbase will grow now when the autoupdater comes in the next patch.

CSP isn't going to succeed overnight, you guys would be crazy if you picked it up now but I do have hope for it long-term as it is getting serious now with the financial backing and the plans the guys have for it :) I guess my point about game consistency was that if we find a game that is easy to follow with many players (i hope and believe that CSP will reach that point in the future) it's better to keep that game rather than using every new title from a big companys franchise. :) I see CSP as a way for the esports community as a whole to control the game rather than an "outsider" company doing it.