Highest Rated Comments

zanellaice15 karma

Hi friends! :)

Regarding your recent announcement where you will be able to give MDMA to healthy volunteer therapists, do you anticipate being able to use data from this study to show that MDMA can have beneficial effects for individuals without a clinical diagnosis? If so (and assuming the effects show an overall net positive), what effects do you think this could have on psychiatry or the medical system when you're able to show that MDMA can help people that don't "need" it due to an underlying issue?

zanellaice2 karma

Hey Ethan,

Even though you're stepping down from DPA, will you be helping organize the Reform Conference in October? Additionally, will you be in attendance?

zanellaice2 karma

Thank you, Rick!!

zanellaice1 karma

Awesome-- I look forward to meeting you there! I've been asked to speak on a panel regarding contemporary campus harm reduction, granted the panel is approved (and it was implied that this approval was hindering on you.)

Thank you for your work! :)

zanellaice1 karma

I'm with UGA and we'll be joining you there!