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zcen160 karma

Ryan, did you ever get the feeling the yakuza were just fucking around with you? I mean they hired a dominatrix that ate her own feces. I can just imagine the dudes laughing about it behind your back.

zcen50 karma

It's just like how your everyday average person may forget some basic arithmetic because they use a calculator and their phone to do math.

Once you start making money and get busier you hire a cleaner. Eventually you stop learning how to clean, then a cook, then a driver and then you eventually forget how to do those things.

zcen10 karma

He's referring to the Pornhub thing...

zcen2 karma

Hi Ralf,

Is running an Esports club/team still a passion project (IE: Unprofitable for the most part)?

I know someone who has the capital and the passion but is a little murky on the idea of getting a return on his investment even though he loves Esports

zcen1 karma

All of my friends who are medics studied in a specific program to be a medic and had to pass a certification test. When you say you are a firefighter/paramedic does that mean you have the qualifications to be a medic, or are the requirements different where you live?

I get the feeling from my medic friends that there's always this tension between fire and medics because their budgets tend to be related to each other. Are the number of fire related calls going down compared to recent years?