UPDATE: I'll try to come back tomorrow and answer the rest of the questions. I didn't think there would be this much feedback!

UPDATE: Thanks very much guys. I'm done! Have a good one and good luck to those who want to pursue the career

I have over 10 years of Service/Force experience and have worked in various units/squads/platoons.

I'm on the verge of quitting for several reasons, including: quality of life, long-term health implications, bullshit with the legal system and politics.

I will verify with the Mods if required.

Ask me anything.

Comments: 1485 • Responses: 66  • Date: 

bemotion254 karma

A few weeks ago, a police officer asked me if I had a pocket knife on me. After I told him no, he searched me, without probable cause, mind you. This involved slamming me against the back of my car multiple times, and my cellphone was broken in the process.

After all was said and done, he started asking me how much money I had, and telling me to take it out. This was ended when another officer showed up, and picked me up in the back of his car. I was not arrested, but from what I can tell, this asshole was trying to shake me down for money, after abusing me, and breaking my person property. I told 3 other officers about this, and they all told me "cops are dicks", and "tough shit, what are you gonna do about it?".

How can you look the other way when you know your fellow officers are abusing their power?

FourCounters240 karma

File a written compliant with Internal Affairs, they will interview the officers. File a claim against the city for the replacement value for a new phone or repair.

Good-Guy-Cop155 karma

This. IF your phone was smashed for realz.

Good-Guy-Cop62 karma

Before I comment on this, I need you to be honest in a few questions:

1) How old are you? 2) What day of the week and what time was this? 3) Were you in an extremely 'bad' or 'good' area? 4) Do you have a prior history with the police? 5) How many people were you with.

KittyPitty110 karma

What was the event that made you actually consider quitting?

Good-Guy-Cop217 karma

There have been multiple events that have led to my thoughts of quitting, however, the one that did it for me was working a political Summit.

I was violently assaulted while working and read about it the next day in the papers. The worst written piece of shit I've ever read in my life. There were theories that the whole assault was 'staged' by the police to justify use-of-force options. Kiss my ass. It wasn't a group of cowardly masked coppers that assaulted me, it was useless morons who had the power to hide and runaway with their tail in between their legs.

The other issues I have is that as Police Officers, the loud minority throws us under the bus constantly when they have no clue what we actually go through on a daily basis. It's like people forget that we're human as well, we have families, children and friends.

It's a very, very thankless job.

I'm not implying that it's about being put on a pedestal. Majority of us don't care to be told 'thank you', it's about not being ripped apart or criticized to shit for doing our job and actually saving someone by someone or something that has no clue about anything.

ChickaloonCharlie451 karma

It's like people forget that we're human as well, we have families, children and friends.

I don't think this is really the case. We know you're human and can have good days and bad days. On those bad days, you have the ability to completely screw somebody's life right to hell and back with lies and bogus charges. While you might lose a night of sleep over this, that innocent person will have a loss of freedoms, loss of income, and will face difficult hurdles their entire life.

We're very clear on the fact that you're a human. Humans can be horrible, uncaring, and downright nasty animals. Your badge doesn't exempt you from this, but makes you more of a potential threat to life and liberty.

Note: I'm not accusing you of any of these actions, just saying there is a potential for this with every encounter. Just like every encounter you have with a citizen in your jurisdiction, you must approach it with caution because you never know who is going to suddenly shoot you in the face. The same applies to us when we have an encounter with a police officer. This isn't distrust, just extreme caution.

Good-Guy-Cop118 karma


pylocust22 karma

What made you join the force in the first place?

Good-Guy-Cop88 karma

My Dad was in the military and I wanted to help people. My coaches in sports growing up were all cops too and I had a lot of respect for them.

I just wanted to help people really...and drive fast.

neva5eez13 karma

Driving fast is awesome, I usually do it on the track, that being said have you ever had to chase a motorcycle and did you catch him?

Good-Guy-Cop160 karma

Never chased a motorcycle, not worth it.

If a guy/girl is willing to take off on a motorcycle, you're a complete idiot and Darwinism will take over.

Have fun riding your coffin.

Good-Guy-Cop32 karma

I should also mention the birth of my children.

Being the best Dad in the world is second to being the best Husband in the world.

TastyLittleSnack66 karma

How often do cops smoke the bags of weed they swipe?

Good-Guy-Cop142 karma

Never. Why would I risk getting fired/disciplined for a dime bag when I can just buy one?

The bags we swipe get destroyed and trust me, it's a pain in the butt in regards to the paperwork.

TastyLittleSnack55 karma

Are you more likely to just let them go?

Good-Guy-Cop150 karma

Speaking on behalf of myself and most of my partners, yep.

But there's factors to consider. Is the person I'm dealing with being a complete jackass? Do they have a criminal history? Is it my last day of my shift cycle?

Lot's of things.

The big one is your attitude. If the person I'm dealing with is honest and I can clearly tell that it's just for personal use, I usually just tell them to 'scram' (read that word in the most old school cop voice you can think of).

TastyLittleSnack105 karma

Please don't quit.

Good-Guy-Cop279 karma

I can't now....especially after I've just started my investigation on you TastyLittleSnack...if that's even your REAL name.

TastyLittleSnack56 karma

Can I see your handcuffs? :P

Good-Guy-Cop65 karma

They're at work in my locker. So....not right now.

gnova110 karma

Get a room you two

Good-Guy-Cop234 karma

You're under arrest too.

fauxjargon30 karma

What if we take away your bulletin board and pieces of string... how else would you investigate anything?

Good-Guy-Cop75 karma

Windows 98 with Microsoft PowerPoint...it's the ONLY way left.

dogfacedboy42021 karma

This has gotten me out of almost every encounter I've had with police ever. Have a good attitude and DO NOT LIE TO THE POLICE, they've heard it all before and if you bullshit them they will take offense. If you're stopped by the police, you are probably in a bad situation anyway...DON'T MAKE IT WORSE.

TL;DR Be honest, it'll get you farther than you think

ElMudd41 karma

I was pulled over once and accused of holding drugs, which I wasn't. Told the guy the truth and he found it necessary to scream in my face calling me a liar and a piece of shit. Made me sit in the snow for a couple of hours tearing the car apart only to find nothing all the while threatening to take me to jail for nothing. These cops with blind vendettas against teenagers is what really grinds my gears. After this happened the fucker found it necessary to tail me and my friends around town and stop by our hangout spots when he was off duty to give me a lecture about how my life was going to shit. WTF is wrong with cops like this? The truth got me nowhere but harassed.

Good-Guy-Cop31 karma

You know what grinds my gears? When the truth gets your harassed.

Good-Guy-Cop15 karma

pats you on the back

Stopher15 karma

I respect that answer but the problem with that is now we wind up with a bunch of laws that the majority of the public do not believe are just and are used arbitrarily to harass minorities or anyone who the storm troopers don't feel are being subservient enough.

Good-Guy-Cop30 karma

Lobby your local politician to effect change. That's a serious answer. Cops don't make the laws, we just enforce them.

chipripley64 karma

I've often fancied a career change to law enforcement, my brothers are all police officers but there's things I don't want them to know.

When I was younger (14 years ago) I did a lot of drugs as a teenager, coke, ecstasy, weed, mushrooms, LCD. Does the fact that I've done these eliminate me as a candidate? Do they come up on the lie detector test questions? I've heard that it doesn't matter as long as your truthful in your responses. Do you have any insight?

edit I know I've typed LCD, instead of LSD. Don't do drugs kids.

Good-Guy-Cop51 karma

It depends. How old are you now? When's the last time you did any sort of recreational drug? What have you learned from it? Do you still partake in any frequent drug use?

If it happened when you're 14 and you're 25-30 now and it was a stupid kid thing that you did, it shouldn't matter.

It's different if you were using up to the age of 28, and here you are at 29 ready to apply.

chipripley31 karma

Thank you! I've asked this question in many a police AMA before and no one has answered!

I was 15-16, I'm 31 now, I haven't used any hard drugs outside of marijuana since my late teens. I never cared for the high caused by marijuana and quit using that around 20-21. I maybe tried coke again around 23ish.

As far as the hard drugs, I've learned that I tended to do drugs out of recreation or experimentation. Just kids being kids. I never enjoyed them and don't think they're worth the cost, or risk to my personal well being nor that of my family.

Good-Guy-Cop34 karma

If this is the truth, answer it just the way you did. The last thing you want is to be blackballed for lying.

The background checks always bring out the truth.

i_poop_cheerios49 karma

About 10 years ago, a buddy of mine and I were hitting up a strip club because I was leaving the military and that was my going away gift. He was pulled over for following too close, which we were. This was the conversation between the cop and my friend, to the best of my memory.

Cop: Where ya headed?

Friend: A friend's house

Cop: A friend's house WHERE?

Friend: (name of city in Colorado)

Cop: At this time of night? (It's was 9pm on a Thursday)

Friend: Yes

Cop: Why is your buddy over there so quiet?

Me: Because you haven't asked me any questions.

Cop: Oh? Ok, so do you guys have any guns or weapons in the car?

Me: This isn't my car.

Cop: (Frustrated) Ok....do you have any guns or weapons in the car?

Friend: No

He ended up asking my friend if he had any guns or weapons, I kid you not, a total of 8 times. The whole stop, he never ordered us out of the vehicle or asked to search it either.

My question is, not about the cop being a dick, but why the hell did he have to ask my buddy if he had any guns or weapons in his car, EIGHT times? Shouldn't once or twice be enough?

Anyways, I'm glad you're a good guy cop. My cousin is a state trooper and is a total dick to everyone, including his family.

Good-Guy-Cop98 karma

"My cousin is a state trooper and is a total dick to everyone, including his family."


"My cousin is a total dick to everyone, including his family."

He's just an asshole.

billy-g41 karma

i've noticed cops have quite a depth of relationship with chronic offenders/street people/schizophrenics. tell us about some frequent flyers that you might actually miss.

Good-Guy-Cop134 karma

Are you ready to get your mind BLOOOOWN!

I was dealing with this family of Schizophrenics, it clearly runs in their family.

Long story short, one of them who was a certified genius looks at me and says, "You think I'm crazy?", I respond with, "No friend, I think you are sick and need some help".

He responds with, "Let me ask you something, if you wake up and the sky is green. You see that it's green and everyone around you says it's blue, who's crazy then?".

Mind blown.

EDIT: The story is way more intense in it's entirety, I just don't have the time to write it all out. You got the TL:DR version.

I still keep in touch with him. I'll drop in every few weeks to check up on him and his family and have some conversations with him. When he's not having an episode, this guy is unreal.

billy-g21 karma

nice. psychosis can really give you perspective if you can maintain insight. have you had to escalate with this guy and his family? if so, do they forgive easily?

Good-Guy-Cop53 karma

They are very rational when not in episodes. Even when they're in a full blown episode they are very....different. It's almost as they can understand and acknowledge what's happening to them but they can't do anything about it.

They'd be amazing to follow or document for a few months.

Yuletide_Skunk16 karma

Well, now that you are leaving, now is the perfect time to write that book/make that documentary.

Good-Guy-Cop45 karma

If I do, I'll post it on Reddit first and give you a shout out.

thefishbowl38 karma

What is the most unsuspectingly terrifying experience you've had? Example: Extreme violence as result of a call when you wouldn't have expected it, etc.

Good-Guy-Cop102 karma

I had stopped a driver because he got cut off hard and was driving erratically. I had the intent of just offering assistance and possibly pursuing charges against the other aggressive driver.

The next thing I see is a knife at close quarters. I disengaged and withdrew my issued firearm. He fled in his vehicle.

I pursued and it ended up in a foot pursuit to a full on fight in someone's backyard.

He was wanted on a Warrant for domestic violence related assault.

All this for wanting to help someone.

panken38 karma

Whats your craziest police story?

Good-Guy-Cop82 karma

I have so many. So many...

I can't use the craziest because I went on a bit of a public lecturing circuit through work about policing and used it quite a bit (I'm sure some of the audience were Redditors).

I once found (what was left of) a dead body in an apartment that had been there for 2 years. The deceased was schizophrenic and had known mental health issues.

One of his issues that he was constantly paranoid. He had his apartment gizzed up with booby traps. I walked in, noticed crazy (no pun-intended) wiring, cameras and electronics STILL running everywhere, saw his body on the floor (it was now pretty much joined into his carpet - and he had his hair, nails and a blue/purple leathery skin with no stomach) and quickly got out.

We had to get our "SWAT" team to clear the apartment before we did any sort of investigation.

Turns out it was a natural death.

It's not my craziest story, but it's one that people tend to remember.

panken19 karma

Damn, thats crazy.

Another, question. Whats your duty weapon? Do you use the same weapon when carrying as a civilian? Also, do you have any other guns you use for home defence?

Good-Guy-Cop42 karma

Service weapon is a Glock.

I also possess the same Glock for shooting. My firearm is not for self defense, it's for sport shooting.

panken27 karma

Ah, ok. I have a cop friend who has a Sig as his duty weapon and a Glock for target shooting. Plus and 870 for home defence.

Good-Guy-Cop67 karma

He tells you too much. You can let him know I said that.

iamadrofjournalism36 karma

Are you getting to old for this shit?

Good-Guy-Cop8 karma

I'm early 30's, so not really.

Nevbox29 karma

You ever played the bad cop?

Good-Guy-Cop48 karma

Yep. Works wonders.

But I'm usually the good cop as I tend to pull it off better.

Nevbox29 karma

Ever fired a firearm in public (outside offical training).

Good-Guy-Cop58 karma

Yep, at a dog who tried to attack me. A 100lb Rotty.

ChewyIsThatU19 karma

Did the hound survive the encounter?

Good-Guy-Cop48 karma

Yeah, he was fine. Grazed his torso, the noise scared him.

candylandy28 karma

How realistic are shows like Cops in terms of interaction with suspects and amount of cases? Do they accurately show what a day of work is like for you!

Good-Guy-Cop73 karma

Ah, they do if your a Patrol Officer or Generalist. However, they don't show the 6 hours of paperwork in between everything.

EdenSB28 karma

What were the best and worst things about being a police man? Not specific experiences, just generally.

Good-Guy-Cop54 karma

BEST THINGS Free coffee while working, the excitement of having a different day everyday, never really being bored at work, the sheer life experiences that you have, the fact that you're never out of stories to tell non-coppers, there are a hundreds of positions internally so you it's like having a whole bunch of jobs mixed into one.

WORST THINGS Majority of the 'fun' positions are horrible for family life, the court system is frustrating, there is a lot of internal politics (which is in every workplace), you're open to criticism 24/7 by everyone, you'll never know everything in terms of the law, the literal politics that surround the position and being held to a higher standard while being expected to be a lower standard (if that makes sense). And my favorite, constantly dealing with completely ignorant people. I should also throw in the traumatic calls that we sometimes deal with.

AsmaClementine19 karma

Back when I was a barista we actually had a system for handling cops buying coffee.

When I was being trained I was told if an officer comes in and orders regular coffee, of any size, it's free. I ring it up and mark it out with a button on the register that says 'PD Discount'. If they order a latte, or some other drink and it's a small or medium, it's also free. If they order it in large, 75% discount.


Good-Guy-Cop82 karma

Barista's that knew my order were my favourite. I would give them rides to work if I saw them waiting at the bus stop at 4:00 AM.

EdenSB4 karma

Thanks for the answer. Before finally deciding on trying to enter teacher training, I wanted to apply to the police, so I'm always curious what it's actually like - rather than the recruitment line.

I can actually related a lot of it to my current job oddly (in a lesser way), despite being pretty different jobs (English Instructor in Korea). Not as many good stories and no court system, but free coffee, good positions are bad for family life, always open to criticism, will never know everything, plenty of internal politics, some ignorant people and definitely being held to a higher stander while being expected to be a lower standard.

Good-Guy-Cop28 karma

I always thought if I wasn't a cop, I'd be a teacher. But after working with the school system as an officer and making many teacher friends, that's the hardest job in the world.

I bitch about my job being thankless, I feel bad for teachers! Kids nowadays are so entitled and thankless it's shocking! (I feel old for saying that now).

You can become a police officer and teach and police accredited colleges/institutes.

tw0bears26 karma


What was the most corrupt thing you witnessed while a Police Officer?

Good-Guy-Cop41 karma

Believe it or not, there isn't as much "corruption" as the general public thinks there is.

Think of it this way...I make a good living, I have a respectable job and I got into it for the right reasons. Majority of my co-workers have the same mentality.

That being said, we all think the same things, "Is this piece of garbage worth me losing my job over?" and that usually regulates any thoughts of corruption.

I have, however, worked with some real corrupt assholes.

One was linked to a local gang and assisted in their firearm smuggling operations. Others have been linked to Marijuana grow-op labs and organized Eastern European crime.

The most corrupt I have been around was a Veteran copper who got himself into serious gambling debts. He had arrested an organized crime bandit and became linked in with the mob. He had then used his contacts to develop dirty border agents and attempted to import controlled drugs into the country.

Needless to say, he got caught, fired and serious jail time.

That being said, there will be corrupt people in any job whether it be working at McDonalds, Target or Microsoft.

WASDx23 karma

Are you aware of any police brutality that have occurred during your time?

Good-Guy-Cop59 karma

With 100% honesty, nope.

As mentioned above, it's not worth it anymore (as opposed to old timer coppers).

It's not worth me losing my income, the stress on my family, losing the court case in Court because I assaulted the party.

Just not worth it anymore.

That being said, I have more than once wanted to badly beat a child molester, pedophile or other sex offenders.

Anything involving a child, you can bet your life that the arresting/investigating officers want nothing more than for that person to be violent to justify any sort of use of force.

However, we won't risk the victim losing out because we couldn't control our tempers.

Cheehu21 karma

What was your most satisfying ass whooping you've dealt to a criminal?

Good-Guy-Cop154 karma

Bandit did a gunpoint robbery on an immigrant 65 year old pizza delivery driver. I just so happened to see it happen.

Foot chase happens right into one of the worst neighborhoods.

Me and him.

He's not from the area so the local bandits are pointing to where he runs.

I get him in a stairway with my gun out, I have no clue where his gun is.

He has no gun and has his hands up now, he's defeated. I go in to arrest him, pow, right in the nose he gets me.

Here comes the wrestling/jiu jitsu jargon....I managed to get a single leg takedown to side control, commence lapel choke with his own jacket while he's gasping for air.

I choked him out with his own shirt.

funnywhennecessary20 karma

I guess no AMA with a police officer can be made without a question about racism.

So are many officers racist and if yes, do they tread people of various races different?

Great AMA so far, thank you!

Good-Guy-Cop167 karma

I am a colored officer and have never seen or heard racism that was meant with a serious tone.

It's 2012 bro! Everyone's a shade of brown now.

randomusername00009 karma

Everyone's a shade of brown now.

As a white guy that was once a kid with a dream who couldn't tan I so wish that were true.

I just figured we would all look so much better if we would bone until we were the same color.

Good-Guy-Cop16 karma

Give it 50 years and your wish will be a reality.

andicotsteel20 karma

Is there any way to talk oneself out of getting a speeding ticket?

Good-Guy-Cop36 karma

Charm, if you're blessed with it.

labelgirl19 karma

I know the laws are different from state to state but what would you say is the craziest law someone has broken that you had to make an arrest or give a citation?

Good-Guy-Cop36 karma

ARREST - Person called 911 too many times.

CITATION - Person in a wheelchair didn't cross at the designated crosswalk.

Chop_Top18 karma

do most cops drive the speed limit on purpose to make other cars drive slower ? also what do you think of cars that pass you up when driving ?

Good-Guy-Cop40 karma

I don't drive the speed limit on purpose, I go with the flow of traffic. Cars that drive pass me, good for you as long as it's not ridiculous. I hate people who stay in my blind spot to 'impress' me with their good driving.

Do you honestly think I'm going to pull next to you, you look at you and give you a head nod of approval. I don't get. Move along.

Qix21318 karma

A friend was driving and bitched about the cop nearby slowing traffic down. I said, he's screwed either way. If he goes over the speed limit, even with traffic, people will complain about that. If he drives the speed limit, others will complain...

Would be interesting to hear a cop's side of it though.

Good-Guy-Cop25 karma

THIS is very TRUE.

tokengingerkid17 karma

Did you ever have any rewarding moments in your career? Any time that you felt like you made a difference with your job?

Good-Guy-Cop43 karma

So many.

I was involved in many community based programs that I grew bonds with Youth involved in serious gangs. I still keep in touch with them and it's funny to see them grow. I see them every once in awhile in their neighborhood and some of the kids who grew up now clearly do not see me as a Cop.

They come up to me, hug me, look for me at at the Station if they're in the neighborhood. Those guys/girls make my life.

I've had to arrest a few of them for serious offences, but they came looking for me to book them in when they had warrants. With stuff like that, I get disappointed and they know it. That hurts a bit.

tokengingerkid12 karma

That's fantastic. Seriously. I'm sorry you're leaving the force, because youth need people like you in their life. Thanks for the difference you have made.

Good-Guy-Cop17 karma

Thanks man. And I have many friends without souls as well.

Qix21310 karma

See, this is the way it should be. The way cops are supposed to act.

I've read your reasons and can't argue that I wouldn't leave either. But it's sad to see (what seems like) the good guy's leave the service. I saw it all the time in the Navy as well. The good guys, be it attitude or skill at the job are more than likely the ones that get out. While the assholes and degenerates stay in because they can't get a job anywhere else - especially not with the power they have already.

Good-Guy-Cop18 karma

Thank you. It means a lot.

Some of my other reasons surround morale. I'm not a heavy drinker, I don't play hockey, I've put my family first and it seems to have hindered my progress slightly.

I'm in a great spot now, but I understand it's only temporary.

Life is too short to be stressed out about nonsense. I just want to enjoy myself and be a role model for my children.

I want them to be good people.

SuperPierog12 karma

How was the physical training to become a cop? Also have you ever had to chase someone and they busted out some parkour moves? thanks for being a cop btw

Good-Guy-Cop49 karma

To be honest, the physical training to be hired wasn't that bad. The Police College was more of a strain, but nothing crazy. If you hit the gym hard for 30 minutes a session 3 times a week, you'll do fine.

However, I keep up being physical and train in Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, Wrestling and Boxing. I don't compete in any of them or plan on being an "MMA UFC SUPER TRANER FIGHTER AFFLICTION TAPOUT CROSSFIT FOR LIFE" guy, I just do it as a hobby and for safety reasons.

I have chased many would-be criminals and to date, none of them pulled out any parkour moves. IF they did, I would probably pause in amazement and let them go for just being able to pull it off.

EshinX11 karma

I am starting the police academy in a couple weeks, what is one piece of advice you wish you had been given when starting your career?

Good-Guy-Cop29 karma

Stay quiet and don't voice your opinion your first year.

Just say "Yes Sir" and "No Sir".

Never bitch about your assignment. If you're stuck on a crime scene, just shut up and say "Yes Sir".

You'll thank me 5 years from now.

Good-Guy-Cop26 karma

Also, bring a Jug/Handle to the Officer In Charge of your platoon.

Xpected211 karma

Does being a police officer create problems with friends? I know I have friends who do illegal drugs, would that compromise your integrity as an officer?

Good-Guy-Cop25 karma

Yep and yep.

You can't be a cop and in a car with a guy who's holding drugs. You just can't.

You're going to have to choose what you want. A druggy friend or the ability to pay your mortgage?

marcjg10 karma

did you find it difficult to be friends with non cops?

Good-Guy-Cop22 karma

It depends.

Growing up I had a lot of friends who were basically criminals, but as a kid you pay no attention to it. It's very awkward now when I see them because we're so opposite.

But, I have another set of friends that are all professionals, with kids, married and living the same life I'm living. We get along great.

It's more-so how you mature as an adult that changes relationships, not so much the profession.

gemmypops10 karma

How do you deal with aggressive cops that hassling you for no reason e.g you haven't done anything wrong you were just walking down the street and they stop you ? (it hasn't happened to me but i know people who have had that experience)

Good-Guy-Cop19 karma

Manners go along way.

Think of it this way, someone stops you and starts yelling at you. IF you respond the way they want you to respond, they win. If you're calm, cool and collected, they get flustered and eventually move on.

I always advise people to be cooperative, always. It shuts down so much. Also, if I know who you are once and you were polite, the next time I see you I'll be like, "Oh shit, there's GEMMYPOPS. They live in that building there, they live in the neighborhood" and then I'll move on.

MTheOverlord8 karma

Hi there--I like this AMA, and I do have a question for you.

While I think I understand your frustrations (quality of life, and the rest of the factors you mention), I'm wondering: what drove you towards the profession in the first place? It strikes me that you're being quite reasonable about this decision, and I wonder what factors would weigh in favour of continuing as a P.O.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Good-Guy-Cop11 karma

Long story short, we go out there and spend countless hours away from our families to catch bad guys.

We catch them.

The trial happens and what actually goes to trial is the investigation that was commenced, not the crime. Did we do everything according to procedure? Where there any infringements? Things become so far from what actually happened and we get labelled corrupt, bad and 'out to get people'.

What's the point? I would be in a better position if I was a politician, not a grunt.

I'm sure Military members feel the same way.

To continue, it would be the friends that I made and the honest people that appreciate your work and that you LOVE to help. I love seeing kids light up when they recognize you or that Christmas card from the domestic violence victim signed by her kids.

Stuff like that is priceless.

Again, I can't sum it up into words. You have to experience it and decide, "Is this for me?".

tealergang8 karma

What line of work are you interested in pursing, if you quit?

Good-Guy-Cop34 karma

World of Warcraft professional.

All kidding aside, maybe write a book and continue public speaking. I kind of fell into public speaking now and was in high demand in the area that I live in on the topic of Policing and my real life and how they blended. It ended up being more of a motivational speech by the end of it but it went over well.

That or personal training. I love helping people feel better about themselves and build self confidence. I personal trained while in University and I built some strong bonds with clients.

OferZak7 karma

Do a lot of officers smoke pot...off duty?

Good-Guy-Cop47 karma

I have no clue.

To be completely honest, I've never smoked any pot in my life. I was too terrified of my dad finding out and destroying me.

onlyunicorncansaveus13 karma

After you quit, take a trip to WA or CO and send him a pic of you taking a puff. :)

Good-Guy-Cop17 karma

I'll face repercussions when I get back! I'm for real!

If we 'disgrace' our Service/Force, we can face consequences.

Portgas7 karma

Is the building on fire?

Good-Guy-Cop35 karma

No, the calender boys put it out.

hypedupdawg6 karma

Do you feel like the way the police service runs has changed over the years? Similarly, do you think the way the police are perceived by the public has changed? And have either of these things contributed to your feelings now?

Good-Guy-Cop17 karma

Firstly, the name change from 'Force' to 'Service' began to the changes in North America.

Policing went from being an enforcement led and rewarded initiative to a customer service oriented profession.

It's both a good and bad thing. However, most officers believe it went too far to the service side and away from actually 'catching the bad guys'.

It's run as a business with budget as the underline in every circumstance and issue (with the exception of huge public safety issues).

Here's the problem, I'm a cop and have no background in business...and neither does most of the upper brass.

Combine that with public funding and you have a nightmare. There's people in charge of hundreds of millions of dollars in funding that think they're some CEO's. It's a disaster sometimes.

All7hatRemains5 karma

I am in the Army and have been since 2008, I'm an IT specialist. I get out in 2014, and I really want go to into the police force. I don't have a degree. How hard will it be for me to get hired on? I'm looking at the Oregon State Police, or local police for where I'm from.

What would be the best route for me to get my foot in the door? I have a friend who has been a member of the local police department for 10+ years. Would his word help me get in?

Thank you! I haven't been able to find too many actively serving police officers to ask.

Good-Guy-Cop8 karma

My best advice is for you to call their recruiting department now and ask them literally what you asked me.

Also ask them if they have volunteer possibilities with any of their ongoing Policing initiatives. You'll get some volunteer time and make contacts within the Department.

ScarLNoBigD5 karma

As a Military Police Officer, did you ever have run-ins with big political messes? For us it's a whole concept of higher ranking members of the service that get charges knocked down or thrown out. I've had traffic citations thrown out on just an account of political BS. Just wondering if this can be related to the civilian side of law enforcement.

Also, how bad are things like the paper work and having to come in on your day off for stupid things. I've had my fare share of all this.

Good-Guy-Cop3 karma

I don't even entertain special treatment with politicians. They're people like everyone else.

If it's something I would let anyone off with, I usually let them off.

If it's something I always hammer on (like a red light), they get the ticket.

If they drop their name to me, I say, "Thanks. I saw it on your license. You have options with your ticket. You can choose to exercise those options. Have a nice day and stay safe".

And I never work on my time. Always company time.

bored1124 karma

what is the worst infraction of the rules you have seen by your colleagues (or you, but i dont expect you to admit it)? and is it true that you have a rota for arrests and get extra pay for making more? (coming from stories of police arresting random kids when they havent made their rota) im english and i have heard a lot of press about the american police, however being news it is always bad and therefore subject to bias.

Good-Guy-Cop17 karma

There is no quota. However, there is an expectation of work.

Every hour gets logged into what we did. So if you did 40 hours of work a week, and out of that 40 it was broken down like this:

10 hours of answering calls 10 hours of investigations 10 hours of arresting super bad guys 10 hours of just driving around

If you had no tickets, you would get questioned as to what exactly you did for those 10 hours of just driving around. It's a work ethic things, not a quota.

If all 40 hours were spent on investigations, that would be self-explanatory.

Good-Guy-Cop18 karma

Also, there's no such thing as a 'bonus' for cops. Zero.

tecomancat3 karma

When on lunch what would your fist choice of restaurant be? Do you ever take your own food and eat in your car?

Good-Guy-Cop23 karma

I prefer my right fist over my left because it's my power side.

I usually eat Italian, Mexican or Greek food when I'm on patrol. There's so many options!

But majority of the time I bring homemade kale shakes. So good for you (/r/joerogan).

PhineasPhage3 karma

As a minority police officer, do you feel you have to over-compensate for you race with respect to your actions as a cop? I've done some research in community-police relations in neighborhoods with ethnically diverse groups and this is an issue I've seen - namely, black police officers being harder on black youth (more stop and frisks, more detaining, etc.)

Good-Guy-Cop11 karma

Not really.

I find I'm harder on youth that I know in a positive manner first. Either I coached the kid or had arrested them in the past and we had a decent relationship.

It's the disappointment factor combined with the, "Shit kid, I see you doing so many great things with your life but you keep fucking it up doing stupid shit!".

[deleted]3 karma


Good-Guy-Cop4 karma

Seeing children as victims, interviewing kids and telling families that their loved ones are dead. Never gets easier. Never.