Hi guys, I play Tight End for the Indianapolis Colts, and am only a few days away from my second NFL training camp. I love what I do, and am thankful for this opportunity every day. Proof https://twitter.com/CobyFleener/status/360536823317012480

Comments: 579 • Responses: 75  • Date: 

nedy08180 karma

Please visit /r/Colts. There's a special surprise for you there.

CobyF199 karma

A little creepy, but impressive nonetheless. thanks! haha

wtbrowni160 karma

Who is your favorite team mate and why is it Pat McAfee?

CobyF185 karma

It's tough to pick a favorite, but Pat is definitely up there. I'd say it would be tough to ignore Luck on the list, as he throws me the ball.

DharmaBeer53 karma

Because he drives him to swim faster.

CobyF129 karma


imkunu102 karma

Do you and Andrew quietly say "best friends" when you fistbump on the sideline? Because you should

CobyF132 karma

Nope. I'll run it by him and get back to you though.

cobyfleenerrocks88 karma

Coby: Don't have an actual question, but I had the chance to serve you breakfast everyday at camp last year (I was the tall dude serving you oatmeal everyday :) and you were the nicest dude ever.

You personally madei me a HUGE fan of the 2012 Colts, and you're my favorite player on the team.

Just wanted to say thanks for being awesome and giving Indianapolis a season to remember, hopefully I can make it out to camp and see you guys again.

CobyF102 karma

Thanks! I'm glad you're a Colts fan now.

PS. Thanks for the oatmeal!

Brett_Favre_475 karma

OF all retired QB's, who would you want throwing you the ball?

CobyF325 karma

Thanks for the question BRETT_FAVRE_4,

Aaron Rodgers when he retires.

Weed_O_Whirler74 karma

Could you grow the same level of neck beard as Andrew Luck? If so, would he consider it a threat if you were to do so?

CobyF133 karma

Not a chance. Among the things that Andrew is very good at (a list that is much longer than the things he is bad at), neck beard or "neard" growing is near the top. I bet I could take him in the mustache department though.

Torrent2117 karma

I would love to see a playoff mustache...

CobyF49 karma

I'm not sure that mustaches should be allowed in any scenario.

Griffin55065 karma

Can you please convince Pat McAfee to do an AMA in the future? I'm sure the Colts Nation (as well as the rest of the NFL) would love to hear some of his answers.

CobyF102 karma

Pat's life is an AMA session on Twitter @PatMcAfeeShow... With some punting and kicking mixed in.

al3xt3d63 karma

Where would you draft yourself in a fantasy league? (PPR)

CobyF519 karma

I'm off my board due to character issues.

Minifig8154 karma

Just a proud Hoosier here saying Thanks for representing our state in the NFL. :)

CobyF71 karma

It truly is an honor.

LactatingDuck41 karma

Does it bother you at all that coming into the colts as a rookie you were seen as the clear #1 TE but since you got injured and Dwayne Allen gained more playing time, he's now viewed as the better of the 2.

Good luck this season and ill see you at camp at some point.

CobyF125 karma

Hey LactatingDuck (two words I'll probably never use next to each other ever again),

thanks for the question. I think Dwayne and I are very different players, and were/will be asked to do different things. There are things he is certainly better at then I am, and there are probably things I excel a little bit more in than Dwayne does, but overall I'm just hoping we make a great tandem that can help the Colts win.

Citizen_Snip34 karma

Kinda piggy backing off that question. With Hernandez... indisposed, and Gronk questionable, how does it feel to be in talks about the best TE tandem in the league?

CobyF86 karma

I guess it feels great, but I try not to listen to what the media says, positive or negative. In reality, we have a lot of work to do to EARN a title like that.

Brett_Favre_48 karma

In a similar vein. Who do you think (besides the Colts) has the best TE combo in the league?

CobyF38 karma

I have no idea. I guess I don't watch enough offensive tape from other teams to know.

aybabtu12337 karma

What do you do during off time at camp? Is there off time?

CobyF212 karma

Sleep. Rehydrate. Repeat. Maybe a "Urinate" thrown in there too... ideally not while sleeping though.

T_Slopkins34 karma

Which team's stadium is the most accommodating or comfortable to play at?

CobyF103 karma

That's a tough question. I think indoor stadiums with grass are pretty cool, so I'd say Arizona and Houston are neat, but it's tough to beat Lucas Oil Stadium and fans there.

GoogleBetaTester31 karma

If you were to pick one aspect of your play that you would most like to improve, what would it be?

CobyF123 karma

I want to be able to catch the ball as consistently as Reggie Wayne.

Emanresu_tresni31 karma

What are your thoughts on the "situation" with Aaron Hernandez?

CobyF172 karma

It's unfortunate all around. A man is dead, a child is without his father, and a fiance is without her future husband.

I hope that justice is done, whatever that may be, keeping in mind that Hernandez (or anyone else for that matter) is innocent until proven guilty.

GGTaeYeon30 karma

Everyone always wants to know what happens in the locker room, so this is my question,

What happens in the locker room?

CobyF153 karma

Just a bunch of guys getting naked.

Outside of that, I'd say it's like hanging out with your friends... next to guys getting naked.

ArcticML29 karma

Hey Coby, thanks for doing this.

The locker room chemistry and rallying behind “Chuckstrong” last year really seemed to boost the team’s play. Do you expect to have the same motivation going into this year and how much more excited are you about playing in a more experienced setting?

Also I absolutely loved the “jackhammer” celebration after your first TD. Hope to see you and Allen tear it up this year.

CobyF30 karma

Thanks for the question ArcticML. I think the team is made up of really self-motivated guys, but having Chuck to fight for surely added to it. I can't wait for camp to start... only a few more days!

fuzzyfingers29 karma

Which locker room has/had more shenanigans, Stanford? Or the Colts?

CobyF63 karma

Stanford. No doubt.

The craziest it gets in the Colts locker room would be an argument or a close game of bags/cornhole. I actually wrote all about it on my blog: www.cobyfleener.com/blog/2012/12/06/inside-the-locker-room-cornhole/

botner28 karma

Coby, are you disappointed that you won't be playing the Eagles and going against Zach Ertz? Also, we would like to thank you. Our son, Carson, met you several years ago at the Stanford/Notre Dame game. You were so kind to him and we framed a picture of him with you, Zach Ertz and Levine Toilolo. All three of you boys are such good role models for the younger generation. We sat with Levine's parents at the Stanford/Notre Dame this past fall up in South Bend and they had such nice things to say about all you Stanford boys playing for the Colts! Good luck this year!

CobyF34 karma

Thank You! Tell Carson I say hi.

FishermanTS25 karma

Thanks for doing this, Coby! How is the transition to the new 'no-coast offense' under Pep Hamilton going? Is it coming naturally for guys like you, Luck, and Whalen or are there wrinkles to what you ran at Stanford?

CobyF62 karma

I would say it's going well. Learning a new offense is like learning a new language. Thankfully I've taken this class before.

J2924 karma

How has your on field relationship with Andrew Luck changed since you guys played in college? How excited were you when you found out you guys were both going to Indy?

Ps. I have you in fantasy football as a sleeper of mine, so, please destroy this year.

CobyF36 karma

I think it is the same relationship we've developed through our time at Stanford. I was ecstatic. I couldn't stop smiling.

beachedwhale222 karma

What was it like to be drafted to the Colts along with Andrew Luck?

CobyF125 karma

It's been rough. I hate the guy, but have to act like I like him so he'll throw me the ball every once in a while (sarcasm included at no additional charge).

RussianAttackTricycl20 karma

Which game are you looking forward to the most this season?

CobyF120 karma

I try to approach every game with the same mentality, but it's going to be hard to ignore the buzz when the Broncos come to play in Indianapolis.

CanadianVelociraptor19 karma

How distracting are the stadium lights and the crowd's cheering during big games? Do you get used to it?

CobyF27 karma

It's really on a case-by-case basis.

Unfortunately, the lights do play a big factor in some stadiums. It sucks royally when that happens. Nobody else would be able to catch the ball either, but you look like a jackass if you drop it and blame it on the lights.

Away crowds can impact the offense being able to hear the snap count. Other than that, you are too focused to hear/see specific things in the crowd.

jca2u18 karma

When was the hardest you've ever been hit?

CobyF94 karma

I'm not sure, but one time a player on my own team accidentally hit me, breaking my rib. So I had that going for me... which was nice.

datreydgroup17 karma

If you could be on a team with any one player from NFL history, who would it be and why?

CobyF47 karma

Geez Louise... that's a REALLY hard question, especially because I'm not a very good historian of the game. Jim Harbaugh comes to mind, just to see what he was like as a player compared to as a coach. Tony Gonzalez would be great for picking up subtle tips.

Honestly, there are so many men that have done awesome things in the NFL and out, I don't think I could choose just one.

atc_like_a_boss16 karma

What was the best rookie prank pulled on you last year?

CobyF37 karma

Thankfully, we really don't do any rookie hazing at the Colts. Although many rookies did have to sing in front of the rest of the team... that was awkward/embarrassing/hilarious if it wasn't you up there.

Honey_Bucket12 karma

What song did you sing?

CobyF148 karma

That's top secret information. Even the NSA doesn't know.

obsessederpina15 karma

Omg omg omg. I'm panicking. First off, you're amazing Coby. Just wanted you to know that. Not really a question as much of a suggestion. You did an interview on the colts.com website with Pat McAfee about your first NFL TD celebration dance, loved the Jackhammer. I would love if you could do a special dance for us fans for your first one this year. How about it?!?

CobyF38 karma

Omg, omg, omg. I'm not panicking, but I am flattered. I think a special dance for Colts fans would be a great idea (I'm hoping we can do a lot of dancing this year).

Do you have any suggestions in mind?

IMightBeMistaken14 karma

What does Matt Hasselbeck bring to this year's team? I feel that even though he is a backup, everyone seems to have forgotten the Colts signed him.

CobyF57 karma

A great hairline, lots of experience, and he's one heck of a leader.

hornydeafman6913 karma

How many fingers have you broken/jammed from Luck's cannon?

CobyF25 karma

Thankfully Andrew has great touch. If he wanted to, I'm sure he could hurt my hands with his throws, but that wouldn't help either of us.

maxico_city12 karma

Which of your teammates had the best FLOW/arms/personality at Stanford?

CobyF33 karma

Max Bergen comes to mind. He was a linebacker in my class. Unfortunately he was lacking in all the categories you asked about, but his girlfriend is awesome, so we let him slide.

pewpewpevv12 karma

1)What are your thoughts on the financial situations of NFL players once they are out of the NFL (that being most of them are in very, very poor financial situations)?

2)Does the NFL provide any education of their finances so they don't go broke after their careers?

3)What are your plans after playing in the NFL?

*edit for format

CobyF19 karma

  1. It's sad, but they NFLPA and player development people harp on it enough, that you have nobody to blame but yourself. Excluding scams and being taken advantage of by financial people. Even so, you should do your best to screen anyone with access to your money.

  2. Our director of player development, David Thornton brought some people in to speak to rookies. I can't speak for every team.

  3. I wish I knew.

bluefoot311 karma

Hey Coby, I was at Stanford my freshman year when you guys played in the Orange Bowl. You dominated in that game like no other tight end I've seen do before.

What about that Stanford season was so special, that enabled you guys to go from 8-5 to 12-1 and (I think) the best team in the country by the end of the season? Anything set that team apart?

CobyF11 karma

It's always hard to put a finger on differences from one year to the next. I would have to credit Andrew's growth in the offense and the constantly improving talent around him. We (Stanford) always try to recruit better players than we have, and will have to continue to do so to improve.

coltreddit11 karma

Hello Mr. Fleener A big thanks for doing this AMA from your fans especially from r/colts . I am a lifetime colts fan. Can you please answer a few of my questions. Much appreciated.

  1. What are some of the hardest lessons you've learned as an NFL player?
  2. Which players have you learned the most from?
  3. Which players make you laugh out loud?
  4. What are some of the unexpected and pleasant surprises you've had as a pro athlete?

CobyF22 karma

Thanks for joining me! 1. You have to be self-motivated. 2. Reggie Wayne, I'm constantly watching him. It's amazing to see in person.

BKL1811 karma

What team do you personally look forward to playing the most, and why?

CobyF40 karma

Notre Dame. Ew.

Jelly_Jiggler10 karma

What was your relationship with Weslye Saunders and what can you say or give insight in about his situation with suspension and PED use?

CobyF16 karma

Wes and I were teammates and are friends. I don't really have any special insight, as I found out the news the same way many of the fans did, via twitter or someone texted me.

reubensammies10 karma

"Mr. Cleen" sounds like an awesome nickname. Do good so we can start calling you that. Aight?

Edit: Or become the got to in clutch situations so we can call you, "The Cleener."

CobyF25 karma

Clever, but until I shave my head completely I don't see it catching on.

torpedohead9 karma

Who would you say is your best looking teammate?

CobyF18 karma

There are a lot of guys on the team that I'm sure do well in the dating world.

foxboroliving9 karma

  1. How excited were you when Indy drafted you, having already built a rapport with Luck?
  2. What's your favorite non-football memory of Stanford?

CobyF22 karma

  1. I don't think I could have a better situation in the NFL.
  2. So many amazing memories. If this counts, I would say meeting the amazing people in and around Stanford.

coltsblazers10 karma

Did you expect to go in the second round? Or were you expecting the first round? If so were you disappointed?

If you acknowledge me, I'll probably die. I'm buying your jersey as my third colts jersey!

CobyF20 karma

Don't die. I went to New York for the draft thinking I could go in the first round. It turned out great for me though.

dtox129 karma

There are some high expectations this year for the Colts. Have those expectations changed how you've approached this off-season and how you are approaching training camp? And if so, what has been the biggest difference for you this off-season?

Bonus round: As Andrew Luck's former teammate, how has he responded to the pressure and expectations that the fans and the Colts organization have for another successful season?

CobyF16 karma

Biggest difference: I had an off-season, unlike in college football.

Bonus: I don't think anyone could have handled it any better.

DonnieNarco9 karma

Hey Coby, Indy resident and huge Colts fan here. Thanks for doing this.

What is it like being part of a great young tight end duo? How does Dwayne Allen being another highly touted and successful tight end change the way you train, work, and play? I know Stanford was similar with Ertz and Toilolo, but has your role in the offense changed because of Allen? Where do you see this duo working with Pep Hamilton? More 2 tight end formations or will you be playing out wide more this season?

CobyF13 karma

Hi Donnie, thanks for the questions.

Having a partner in crime is great. Any time you have someone else with the same goal, it's helpful. On a day he is feeling lethargic, I can try to pick him up, and on the days I'm feeling like a bum, he can help pick me up. We try to make each other better. I hope we use as many tight ends on the field this year as the rules allow... if I have to take some snaps, so be it... I just hope on my second contract I would get paid as a QB.

wellyesofcourse8 karma

Hey Coby, thanks for doing this AMA. I'm a huge Colts fan and I went to UCLA for the past four years, so I've been able to watch you and Andrew play for a while now.

  1. How much more comfortable do you feel in Pep Hamilton's "No Coast" offense than you did in Arians' offensive scheme last year?

  2. How's the shoulder holding up? I hope to see you start all 19 games this season.

  3. What are your goals for the upcoming season?

  4. I got to meet you briefly last year at the NFL Rookie Premiere on UCLA's campus. I was able to get you, Andrew, and Dwayne to sign my Colts football. It is one of my most prized possessions and I just wanted to say thank you. http://i.imgur.com/tCbC0Mq.jpg

EDIT: Come by /r/Colts sometime and say hi!

CobyF8 karma

Thanks for the Q's! 1. I feel very comfortable. It's a language I am already familiar with, so I can really focus on learning and getting better instead of feeling overwhelmed on Day 1. 2. I feel healthy and ready to go. 3. Win, win, and win some more! 4. You're very welcome!

bowlofcole7 karma

I was at the Green Bay game this season and the atmosphere was electric. Was it crazy as a player as well?

CobyF15 karma

Yes. I love when I can't hear myself think in Lucas Oil Stadium!!!

Bdog3267 karma

Thanks for doing this! What is one word to describe Andrew Luck?

CobyF27 karma

Thanks for the question.


Griffin5507 karma

For the past few years the Patriots had the best TE duo in the country. Because of obvious reasons, that isn't the case anymore. Do you see Dwayne and yourself being able to step up and become the new greatest duo in the league for years to come?

CobyF15 karma

Sounds like a plan to me. There's a lot of work that needs to be done though.

slash1967 karma

How do you see your role in Hamilton's offense as different from that of last year?

CobyF12 karma

A lot of tight end double passes.

CobyF13 karma

Ok, maybe not, but I think the tight ends will be used all over the field even moreso this year.

jalockk7 karma

What is the hardest stadium to play at?

CobyF20 karma

I'm not a big fan of cold weather games. Anything where you're wearing three winter jackets in the stands, and I can't even wear sleeves on the field makes the game tougher.

MoreSpikes7 karma

Thanks for taking the time to drop by, Coby. Good luck in training camp and throughout the season, here's to hoping it's one that won't end until February.

My questions to you, as a tight end, are tactical ones. How has your usage in the offense changed throughout your career (high school, college, pro)? How has the position evolved? Is there more emphasis from the coaches on the blocking aspect or receiving aspect? Which one do you think you're better at?

CobyF11 karma

I would say my position has pretty much been the same throughout my career. The receiving part comes more naturally to me. I have to work harder at the blocking.

beautifulunusual7 karma


CobyF11 karma

Right where it belongs.

I don't know if "pretty" is what I'm going for, but I agree it's not aesthetically pleasing enough right now. It's a work in progress.

GreatFox186 karma

Hey Coby, hope all is well.

What song(s) do you listen to before game time to get pumped up?

Go Colts.

CobyF8 karma

I usually go with some mix of country. The adrenaline is going to come once the warmups/game starts, so I try not to get too worked up before the game.

84TD6 karma

Big block, or big catch, what gets you fired up the most?

CobyF39 karma

I'd be lying if I didn't say big catch.

BoundToHatpin6 karma

What's it like coming into the league with another rookie at the same position (Dwayne Allen)? You guys seem to have different styles and compliment each other well, but it's got to be an interesting dynamic.

And seriously, thanks for being such a great Colt!

CobyF4 karma

At first I scratched my head a little bit, but realizing that Dwayne and I compliment each other really well, I didn't worry about it.

moresuperlative6 karma

Hey Coby - Thanks for doing this! I was wondering, what's the best class you took at Stanford, and why? Also, are you using much of what you learned in college?

moresuperlative3 karma

Also, can I just say that I love you? You're hot. Almost as hot as Griff Whalen, Chris Owusu, and Joe Hemschoot put together. :)

CobyF11 karma

No, you can't say that. But since you did, I'll try to stop blushing and respond.

I really like STS 101 with Professor McGinn because it made you think about situations from multiple angles, and helped solidify my understanding of what my major was about.

HarryBalsonya_5 karma

What is your craziest/strangest story?

CobyF7 karma

Since the questions have mostly been about football, I'll assume this is in the same vein. The first thing that comes to my mind is my meeting story with Ryan Grigson, the Colts GM. I actually wrote about it on my blog: http://cobyfleener.com/blog/2013/03/15/meeting-the-colts/

Brett_Favre_45 karma

Have you heard of the other famous Coby on reddit?

CobyF9 karma

Can't say that I have, although I'm relatively new. Can you introduce us?

ConBro85 karma

Coby, do you and Dwayne Allen hang out much off the field in order to go over things and build team chemistry?

CobyF26 karma

Yes, but I would say it's more because we enjoy each other's company.

xXThKillerXx5 karma

What do you think of this era in the NFL becoming more geared towards Tight Ends?

CobyF18 karma

Hell yeah!

saaywhaaaat4 karma

Should I draft you or D. Allen to my fantasy team this year? Go horse.

CobyF21 karma

Andrew Luck.

fastang4 karma

I'm a huge Colts fan and am really looking forward to this season. I hope to be at the Texans game with my wife (she is a Texans fan, puke) in Indy if I am back from the desert in time.

Are you excited to be reunited with Pep Hamilton as your OC this season? Do you feel you have an advantage because you have played in his system in college?

CobyF8 karma

Double puke.

Very much yes, and yes.

PrimeTime894 karma

As one of the younger NFL teams, what's the team goal/mindset for the season? Do you aim for the Superbowl, or do you put less pressure on yourselves and just focus on improving?

CobyF13 karma

The goal is definitely winning the Super Bowl. You can't get there in one day though, so you try to get better every day, and hope that you can earn the right to hold the Lombardi Trophy.

NKE073 karma

What things are you doing this year to prepare for the season that differ from your rookie season?

CobyF8 karma

I've trained at both Stanford and the Colts training facility. Not too much has changed. Rookie year is tough because of the extra time that you're forced to spend on things outside of football.

Here's my blog post about some of my plans going into the off-season: http://cobyfleener.com/blog/2013/01/04/173463896/

ITriedAnother23 karma

Has going to Stanford increased your mental aspect of play on the field?

CobyF29 karma

Maybe I'm more analytical... maybe I'm more indecisive... maybe.

courtpanda3 karma

did you know lee ward when you played at stanford?

CobyF6 karma

Yes, in fact, I'd like to think I still know him now. I really like Lee.

TyroilGrundelplithMD3 karma

How many superbowls do you plan on winning us

CobyF37 karma

"Not one, not two, not three..." (Although the Heat have been pretty successful) I'm not going to make any predictions, just going to try to work my butt off.

Pbvondo3 karma

Hi, so what kind of leader is Andrew Luck? What does he do on and off the field for the team. Also today is my birthday any chance I can get an autograph?

CobyF47 karma

Coby Fleener #80

Sorry, my cursive sucks on here.

InterNetting3 karma

Are you going to score more fantasy points than Dwayne Allen? Is Reggie Wayne going to be as good this year as he was last year?

CobyF11 karma

Do you play fantasy football?

mayfield72 karma

Forget the Broncos, on a scale of 1-10, how hard of an 11 will it for you and Luck to beat Harbaugh in San Fran?

CobyF2 karma

I'm not sure I quite understand the scale we're going off of here...

LoganXup2 karma

You're my favorite TE in the game and when you had a killer last drove against the packers this year, they did a short segment during half about you and said "Cody" Fleener. Does this sort of thing bother you, or did you being the highlight of the half overshadow it?

CobyF6 karma

It doesn't bother me because they messed up MY name, so much as it bothers me that people just don't do their jobs very well sometimes.

eyecite1 karma

Do you have a guess for the average amount of time a fringe (on making the 53) player spends watching tape per week or day during training camp?

CobyF3 karma

I would hope just as much as the #1 player. If you're on the team, you're expected to be ON THE TEAM.