
Comments: 1301 • Responses: 87  • Date: 

leSnowdenFace403 karma


codyrobinson226 karma

I can't answer that question, but I wish I could.

row4land123 karma

Hey, thanks for taking the time to talk about this.

You should consider adding your incident to the official Wikipedia page. The more we document this, the faster we can build legislation against it to prevent future attacks.

The issue with the "knockout game" is that the media doesn't want to report on it. Rather, it gets swept under the rug because no one wants to report it as a racial crime. Apparently, pointing out that black people are targeting white people is 'racists' in its self.


codyrobinson35 karma

Can you add it for me?

row4land25 karma

Sure, write a brief summary about the event using specific details and I will post it. Based on the ones on there, you should include the state and town it happened in. Is there an online article I could post with it as a source?

codyrobinson30 karma

Just the one posted as proof. It happened on 1/31/2014 at 1:20 am in San Antonio TX.

row4land25 karma

You are lucky to be alive, man. A lot of these guys bleed out on the pavement, not to be found for hours.

codyrobinson28 karma

I feel lucky to be alive.

superguardsmackdown114 karma

Was there any witnesses? Why didn't the news article provide descriptions of the attackers?

codyrobinson218 karma

I told the news they were black. I don't know why they didn't report it. Yes there were witnesses. One saved me. Unfortunately most of the witnesses had a glossy entertained look on their faces.

Redmundo108 karma

Serious question. Were the assailants Black? If they were, how will you act when you see group of black people walking your way? My friend was a victim of the knockout game in Washington DC a few months back and now when he sees a group of young Black kids, he walks to the other side of the street. I can't blame him. Hope you have a speedy recovery!

codyrobinson277 karma

Yes they were all Black. I'm not going to let this effect me psychologically. It wasn't the black race that did this to me, it was just some idiots.. If anything this has only made me stronger, and I'll definitely try to be more alert.

barriekansai11 karma

But it was your race that made you a target. I admire you for being a better man than I believe I would be in that situation.

I hope your assailants are brought to justice, and more important, that you heal up with no lasting damage. That's a nasty pic!

codyrobinson23 karma

Thank you, I'm healing.

BrownPants2096 karma

I hate to bring it up, but have you ever thought of getting a concealed carry permit? I had a similiar situation when I was in school that makes me want to get one.

codyrobinson8 karma

I am debating it.

_godspeed_108 karma

Do you believe that it is a race issue?

Black youth purposely attacking the White Community?

codyrobinson240 karma

Well they targeted me because I am white no doubt about it. Racial slurs started immediately after they started attacking me.

DonsterMonster102 karma

First of all, I'm glad you're alive. Will you take any preventative measures when leaving the house now?

codyrobinson340 karma

I'm going to look into acquiring a concealed hand gun license.

codyrobinson20 karma

And thank you, glad to be alive still too =)

satanic_hispanic_74 karma

Around what age where the dicks that did this?

codyrobinson104 karma

They were in their young 20s.

Chabubba68 karma

How serious was the damage? The article doesn't go deep into how bad the injuries were.

codyrobinson153 karma

I have a skull fracture, concussion, and my eye socket was knocked loose. When I blow my nose I can inflate my face, and if I suck instead of blow I can cough some blood clots out.

I have a skull fracture, concussion, and my eye socket was knocked loose. When I blow my nose I can inflate my face, and if I suck instead of blow I can cough some blood clots out.

Sil36961 karma

i know it just happened but has there been any progress in finding the guys who did this?

codyrobinson105 karma

I am waiting to hear back from the detective assigned to my case. I have a case #. I'm working with the owner of the establishment I was at and he is crawling through video footage pulling up images. As soon as we get those images, hopefully we will have an idea of who these guys where.

CopBlockRVA16 karma

Since you can sue everyone involved and own their asses the rest of their lives, it would be worth getting a lawyer and a good private detective on.the case. The police are useless and only care about cases they can make money on(drugs and traffic).

codyrobinson11 karma

I agree.

English_Rob12357 karma

Was it a sustained attack or did they run off once they had attacked you?

codyrobinson125 karma

Once I hit the ground they yelled "knock out" and started going through my clothes. They ripped my suit looking for money, and when I told them I had nothing, it seemed they wanted to kidnap me. When I tried to scream for help they tried their hardest to knock me unconscious. Finally when help came for me they ran away, jumped into an SUV and sped away.

English_Rob12335 karma

Jesus, pal. I can only imagine how horrible it must have been. My advice would be to try and not let it get under your skin. Try not to dwell on the 'what ifs' because that can do a lot more harm than good. I hope you make a speedy recovery both physically and mentally :)

P.S you said you train Krav. I suggest looking up a self protection expert on YouTube called Lee Morrison. He is a no-nonsense kind of guy and his teaching techniques are spot on. Also, at the end of the day there were multiple attackers and the reality is you were outnumbered. Anyone would have had a hard time dealing with that.

codyrobinson54 karma

I was more scared then I ever have been. I just wanted to escape but I couldn't.

syuk19 karma

Since it happened to you, have you been contacted by other folk who have been attacked like this? Any thoughts on why incidents like this continue to be tip toed around by the media?

Hope you heal up OK and don't let it change you.

codyrobinson20 karma

I haven't talked to anyone else who it has directly happened to, but I think it was here someone mentioned it happened to one of their family members. There are many reasons I can speculate why the media ignores certain cases, I just can't say for sure.

Valorale3 karma

Do you want revenge?

codyrobinson9 karma

No, justice.

test_alpha2 karma

If you had had a handgun in your jacket and told them you had some money to give them, then pulled your gun and shot several of them dead, would that have been a justified use of lethal force?

Would you have been prepared to shoot them?

codyrobinson5 karma

It definitely would have been justified, I just don't know if I could pull it off.

chicken-oriental28 karma

Has the the attack changed your views of society, crime or anything?

codyrobinson112 karma

Yes it has. Peoples support has shown me that the world is actually opposite of the way the media portrays it. There are a lot of good people in this world. I was beaten by a few bad guys, but I'm feeling a lot of love through that pain. I'm not perfect, I've made some mistakes and I've hurt people. I don't want anyone to feel victimized on my behalf. This world needs more people who are actively trying to make it better, and I want to be part of that.

PastorofMuppets10120 karma

I've heard that the "knockout game" (at least, in its inception) was largely a media circus in which news networks pulled together unrelated incidents of street violence and made it out to be something that it was not. In short, the knockout game didn't actually exist. That is, until it was publicized as being so. Now, obviously, you've been hurt badly. No question about that, and you have my sympathies. But here's my question: Was it really the "knockout game" that was being perpetrated in your assault, or was this a case of the media pulling together unrelated events into something wicked as a (unintentional or not) publicity stunt? If it actually was a part of the knockout game, do you think that this was something that wasn't real to begin with, but became so due to its publicity and copycats that came out of it?

Or, am I just spewing nonsense?

codyrobinson24 karma

? If it actually was a part of the knockout game, do you think that this was something that wasn't real to begin with, but became so due to its publicity and copycats that came out of it?

Those are all good questions. I think the concept 'knockout game' is a creation of media sensationalism. I think what can be construed as 'part of the knock out game' at this point is widely interpretable considering how new the 'game' is. But I think it could legitimately put into that category based off the fact they yelled "KNOCK OUT!" after the first hit, as this is a main trend with the 'game'.

forte220 karma

The article mentions that the police claim that you said there was a fight you walked through and you dispute that. Would you ever in your life actually walk through a group of guys fighting? Just that that seems like something no rational person would do so I'm wondering why the police would say such a thing.

codyrobinson40 karma

There was no fight any where. The owner of the establishment has confirmed there was no fight. I walked by some people arguing, but they weren't the people who beat and tried to mug me. If I saw a fight going on I would have just went back the way I came.

Chief--BlackHawk16 karma

On behalf of the African American community, I just want to say sorry this happened to you. Let it be known that not all Black people are like this. Every race has their ignorant side ...

codyrobinson14 karma

I know that. No need to apologize on behalf of a bunch of idiots.

zpenrith11 karma

Are you going to take legal action?

codyrobinson29 karma

Yes a police report has been filed. The owner of the bar is working on getting video images of possible suspects for me to ID.

gentlemansincebirth9 karma

Do you plan on exacting revenge?

codyrobinson49 karma

I would rather deter this type of behavior. As far as revenge, I'll take justice.

dustballer7 karma

Have you considered writing a letter to the editor describing what was missing from the article? like the description of the attackers?

codyrobinson8 karma

I did describe what I knew about their appearance.

BitchlmTheShit7 karma

I've seen some youtube footage of this 'game', isnt it just 1 punch by one person of the group or just an entire group that punched you and run?

codyrobinson14 karma

It was initially one person who hit me and said "knock out" but then he tried to rob me and when I fought back they all beat me.

maplestaple6 karma


codyrobinson13 karma

Well they owe me an apology to start with. I feel like these guys should be legally indebted to me some how. I guess as a judge my only legal choice of punishment would be prison time. I know that they would just go to prison, get out, and be the same. It's a tough question.

Meatros7 karma

Couldn't you also file some sort of criminal suit? Sue them for damages? After all, your life has been changed.

Meatros4 karma

I'm also thinking if you could somehow publicly shame these colostomy bags, that might help. Like the police find out who they are and you print out posters to warn the neighborhood about them. Big glossy mugshots....

codyrobinson6 karma

I think that's an excellent point. Public humiliation is a good choice and should be utilized more.

codyrobinson4 karma

Just need to find them first.

Meatros6 karma

The report seems to indicate that you told cops one thing right after the attack, but you indicate another happened. I can certainly understand that right after the attack you aren't at your clearest (especially considering your ordeal). Can you just clarify, to the best of your ability, what happened? You leave the bar and then what...

codyrobinson20 karma

As I'm leaving I am walking towards my car and I was passing a group of people who were arguing. I told them a joke that boisterous arguing impedes the progress of society. Everyone kinda laughed and we all walked away. I was walking up to my car and an unknown person came from behind me and I heard "get the white boy" when I turned around I got hit and fell down, was completely disoriented. As soon as I hit the ground I heard them say "KNOCK OUT!". But I wasn't completely knocked out. I was conscious enough to stop them from just taking what was in my pockets. When I figured out what they were trying to do, I tried to escape, but when I would try to squirm away they would yell "stomp that white boy out" and they stomped on my head and face. I heard people from the original group I talked to coming back and saying "hey stop doing that to him" and "someone help him". I think everyone who witnessed it was too afraid to do anything. In the end a girl jumped in to my aid and the bartender and security staff finally came, but at this point I was almost beaten into a coma.

C0rvette6 karma

This is scary as fuck

codyrobinson2 karma

It was very scary.

codyrobinson4 karma

After the beating I was disoriented and confused. I needed time to recollect and there was so much noise and people talking and telling me different things. I just needed some clear time to think about what had just happened.

poide5 karma

do you think you are more likely to not relax around blacks?

codyrobinson50 karma

I think I'm going to be more cautious with my surroundings.

TheJaggedSpoon5 karma

In the event you were armed when this happened, would you have fired on them?

codyrobinson18 karma

I don't think I would have had the chance, they snuck up and sucker punched me which immediately dazed me. I think they would have taken the gun and used it against me.

Agent47775 karma

was revenge/hatred your primary emotion during and after the attack? Sorry to hear about it all man. I was attacked before and it was a few days before my head was right.

codyrobinson18 karma

Revenge was the first, natural instinct. Part of me wants to go back to where it happened and wait there every night until someone else is victimized, just so I can step in and save them. At this point more then revenge I was to prevent this from happening to others.

nothingtoseeheree5 karma

Why do you personally think you were targeted?

codyrobinson28 karma

Because I was white wearing nice clothes.

Scruffyson5 karma

I live in the central Texas area and witnessed some of these pathetic group of fucks do this to people, I've seen at least 3 so far this school year, and this is just at my high school. I find it disgusting that people would resort to this just for "Entertainment". I kind of question reality and the faith in humanity every time I see an act or video of this "Game". Anyways I'm really glad that you're better and hope that you make a full Recovery. And sorry to be negative about this but I think the thought of carrying a concealed weapon frightens me and I hope you have second thoughts about it, because I don't think "act of violence + Glock 19 = peace" I would consider getting maybe a taser or pepper spray or something less lethal, but again I hope you make a full recovery:)

codyrobinson6 karma

I was considering the taser option!

UpvotesAllWhoReply2 karma

Consider that if you're ever jumped by a gang again, a taser can only incapacitate one guy, and the rest will have a score to settle.

codyrobinson3 karma

That's true. I was looking at another one that has a double shot. One with a 6 shot would be nice.

dhprelude4 karma

I'm sorry that this happened to you. The people that did this must have a very miserable poor life. If you find out who they are, you should bring the information back to Reddit.

codyrobinson5 karma

If I get images of who did this, I will post them every where I can, including here.

Rehcamretsnef3 karma

If you had a gun, would have you used it?

codyrobinson12 karma

If I had it, I would have tried to use it, I just don't know if I would have had the chance.

kanada_kid3 karma

How old were the attackers? How many were there? Who helped you? Sorry about what happened OP. Wish you get better.

codyrobinson4 karma

They were in their young 20s, atleast 4-5. A girl jumped between me and attackers and then the bar owner and security came.

Ramlz3 karma

EspaƱa sucks. What were you doing there to begin with?

codyrobinson4 karma

My friend invited me. I hadn't been out of the house in awhile just wanted to get out.

Cunfuse3 karma

I'm trying to make sense of this. You were just minding your own business, and out of nowhere you get assaulted by a group of thugs solely by the color of your skin? The cruelty of that situation is beyond comprehension. As a Texan, I'm especially concerned with bringing these thugs to justice. Have any of them been identified?

codyrobinson3 karma

I'm waiting to be called in to identify them from video footage the owner is pulling up.

codyrobinson2 karma

MODs are asking me for more proof so I have uploaded the case # provided to me after the attack, personal facebook page, picture of myself holding a paper with "reddit", date, and username, and a personal picture that only I have from after the attack.

NBRATT2 karma

What exactly is the "knockout game"? is it just a term or is it an actual specific thing? i saw in the artile a mention about it.

codyrobinson2 karma

It's where someone sneaks up on an unsuspecting victim and hits them. Sometimes you get robbed, sometimes they just run off. The main point is to try and knock them out in one hit.

docileantelope2 karma

Is your face alright? Did the doctors say that it will heal well?

codyrobinson6 karma

I need to go back in for a check up tomorrow. I had a fracture, concussion and a eye socket knocked loose. I feel much better after 2 days, but still very disfigured.

Auraeuphorialic2 karma

Do you agree that black men growing up without fathers is a big factor in these rabid pack of animals behaving this way and there being a need for discussion about this?

codyrobinson1 karma

I think moral guidance is important during childhood development. I believe the problem is that a lot of these 'fathers' end up committing crimes like this and not fathering their children, creating a cycle. I think more community intervention is needed.

enoughofisrael2 karma

is the stereotype true? are most attackers african american ? (or were they in your case) and what are your thoughts on the matter

codyrobinson2 karma

In my case my attackers were black.

davros_2 karma

What type of area did this occur in?

codyrobinson5 karma

A nice part of town. It's the college district. Actually right in around the corner (1 minute) from the San Antonio FBI complex.


So sorry that happened, but I'm glad you're okay. Hope they get caught. I don't really have a question.

codyrobinson2 karma

I questioned if I would survive it, during the attack, glad I pulled through.

syuk1 karma

You mentioned that you thought you might be kidnapped by them, what do you think they were going to do, try and ransom you or something?

codyrobinson1 karma

I was wearing a nice suit. I think they thought I had a bunch of money somewhere. I had my house keys in my pocket. They would have taken me to the ATM or to my house to clean it out.

Troybylt2 karma

How did it happen, were there any warning signs? Did they look suspicious approaching you? Did you even see them approach? What can someone do to avoid, prepare or expect confrontation and run?

codyrobinson2 karma

I didn't see it coming. I parked in a place I normally wouldn't because I couldn't find any other spots. That was a mistake.

codyrobinson2 karma

The admins are of http://www.reddit.com/r/iama are making me move my iama to http://www.reddit.com/casualiama it doesn't make sense. This happened after my story reached the front page of reddit. Please go there and re upvote my story so people can hear about what happened to me.

Mittens6202 karma

I am curious what you look like before the injuries. So sorry this happened.

codyrobinson2 karma

I can upload a picture I took with my son a couple weeks ago. Give me a few.

Dizzymo2 karma

Would have it helped if you had a concealed gun on you?

codyrobinson10 karma

No, I don't think in this situation it would have helped me, but only gotten me killed. I was blind sided by the punch, and that punch had me completely dazed. If I tried to take a gun out, it would have been taken and used against me.

ekclone2 karma

a bit off topic, do you think the Media made this thing BIG?

codyrobinson36 karma

I think the media turned a secluded event into a national sensation. There would be no 'knock out game' with out the media.

JaydenPope1 karma

I just got told about this AMA.

Sorry to hear such things happened, are you or have you already filed charges for such a horrible racial attack ?

Black on white racism and violence really needs to be dealt with.

codyrobinson1 karma

Yes, I reported it to the police. Just waiting for images so I can pick out who did this.

nomoex1 karma

As I'm leaving I am walking towards my car and I was passing a group of people who were arguing. I told them a joke that boisterous arguing impedes the progress of society. Everyone kinda laughed and we all walked away. I was walking up to my car and an unknown person came from behind me and I heard "get the white boy" when I turned around I got hit and fell down, was completely disoriented. As soon as I hit the ground I heard them say "KNOCK OUT!". But I wasn't completely knocked out. I was conscious enough to stop them from just taking what was in my pockets. When I figured out what they were trying to do, I tried to escape, but when I would try to squirm away they would yell "stomp that white boy out" and they stomped on my head and face. I heard people from the original group I talked to coming back and saying "hey stop doing that to him" and "someone help him". I think everyone who witnessed it was too afraid to do anything. In the end a girl jumped in to my aid and the bartender and security staff finally came, but at this point I was almost beaten into a coma.

The police report says you told them there was a fight going on when you left the bar, but you and the owner of the place said there wasn't.

Why would the officer lie or modify the story? Do you remember the officers name? Was he black?

codyrobinson1 karma

I was really confused about what had just happened to me, and was pretty disoriented. There were people all around saying all sorts of different things. The officer must have misconstrued 'arguing' with 'fighting'. There was no actual fight. I wouldn't have walked by that by myself, or got involved.

kittymcmeowmeow1 karma

Did anyone in the area try to help out? Also, how bout them broncos?

codyrobinson1 karma

Many bystanders did nothing. I guess they were afraid they would end up as victims too. A girl ended up jumping between me and the attackers, and the bar owner and security came, my attackers fled.

clintbyrne1 karma

Damn good luck.

I would recommend training in a martial art to help you get over this one the healing begins. I know other people who have had similar situations and feeling confident in a physical allegation for the future gave them the confidence back that they once had.

codyrobinson1 karma

I train krav maga. I'll keep training.

poide-1 karma

whats it like to embrace diversity? was this your first experience with diversity? if no, could you tell us about your first time?

codyrobinson3 karma

I have a very diverse family. One of my brothers is half black.

poide0 karma

so you are quite used to embracing diversity? do you think if the attackers knew you had already embraced diversity they would have left you alone?

codyrobinson1 karma

I think if they would have known me personally they would never have done this to me.

flimflammer29-1 karma

Do you now believe blacks are inherently more violent than whites?

codyrobinson20 karma

All humans are capable of extremely violent acts.

gdvs-1 karma

Do you already have a girlfriend/wife?

codyrobinson3 karma

Yes, I have a wife, and a son.

halfisherman-2 karma

Do you actually believe you were a victim of a 'game'? What are your thoughts on the idea that the knockout game is a concept created by a mass media? Have you ever considered that this was just a jumping--an incredibly common phenomena that is in no way new to the United States?

codyrobinson4 karma

I've answered all of these questions, a couple of times.

s_mw-3 karma

Why not just say you were assaulted?

codyrobinson5 karma

Because there is more to it then that.

usrgames-5 karma

Have your views on segregation changed?

Black on non-black crime is on the rise, some places simply aren't safe for non-blacks.

codyrobinson5 karma

I don't blame the race. All people do some really messed up things sometimes.

Alexis_Bz-10 karma

You deserved it for being white. If it wasn't for you slavery would have never existed.

codyrobinson5 karma

This can't be serious...