EDIT ok well i'm going to bed. been on here 11 hours and i did my best to say i'm sorry where i could. one more if you don't mind.

sorry i posted this ama with a kickstarter it was a really bad idea, and makes everything i wrote today look fake, like my video, i guess. i tried both times to make it right, not to save my career or anything like that, but because i hurt others. i think im just gonna have to be the best i can be and not let this stuff keep me from being there for my fans i.e. from performing or recording or trying at all.

a lot of you are mad at me because of how i treated my fans, but when my fans tried to speak in my defense today they were treated horribly. so i guess i just don't understand this place.

i tried. i really did. but i don't know what good it did. i really am sorry. maybe someday you'll know that i meant it the first time i apologized last august. and i meant it today. i shouldn't have posted that cry vid or today's ama with a kickstarter link. it was the wrong thing to do. i never said i was smart. but i do know that i tried to make up for my wrongs. hope you'll consider that and treat each other with kindness in the future and i'll do the same. you've seen me be ugly and it's brought the ugliness out of you. you're mad at me because i act like you do, i don't know why we can't just relate to each and eat a gordita crunch.

thanks for hearing me out. and thanks to all my fans that showed up and took part. i'll be back to answer the stuff i missed.

Comments: 1978 • Responses: 80  • Date: 

Dacvak307 karma

Yo Chris.

I wanted to share a quick story. Back in 2006, you performed at some convention (can't remember exactly which one, Katsucon maybe?). My college buddy Erik and I, who were huge fans at the time, decided we had to go to see your concert. The con was okay, but what we were really excited for was the show.

An hour before it started, we decided we'd try to get backstage somehow, despite the already-long line there was to get into the concert hall. I'm not sure exactly how - probably a combination of not looking like a typical con-goer, and pulling the whole "walk fast and look like you know what you're doing" thing - but we ended up waltzing past something like 3 or 4 security guards, and slipped right backstage where you and DJ John were hanging out, talking.

We showed up in the middle of a conversation you were having, telling this story about a funny dream you had about some talking baby, and Erik and I just sort of awkwardly joined the circle of conversation. It was a cool, surreal moment for two humble western PA nerds like ourselves.

Anyway, we all ended up chatting for a while, and eventually headed into the concert hall (before it opened, where we got front-row). After the show, we joined you and John at the merch booth, where you guys were signing and taking pictures. The line was huge. We hung out and helped you and John the entire time, just stoked that we felt somewhat important. Afterwards, we helped you guys pack up gear, and exchanged contact info.

It was a really, really awesome experience for me, and you were a super nice dude. Looking back, we had to have seemed like young, nerdy fans, but you guys were still super cool to us, and that made a really lasting impression.

I know that wasn't a terribly exciting story, but it was sort of a defining moment for me. It was one of the the first times I did something I thought was really cool, and since then I've been addicted to doing cool stuff like that. I've since met my personal hero, Shigeru Miyamoto, have had a chance to work with Nintendo, met the Mythbusters the other day, got a job at reddit, and countless other things I'm grateful for. Now, I'm not personally giving you full credit for any of that, but you should know that meeting and hanging out with you definitely sparked that drive for me, and I've always wanted to thank you for it.

Also, your raps are pretty damn funny.

im_mcchrisAMA125 karma

just a reminder to always be on my best behavior. glad i was well behaved. this summer it's just my fiancee and me no roadie or TM so we are gonna need everyone's help. feel free to show up at mic check (around 5pm) and help us load in. i'll put you on the list and definitely be thankful. sometimes there's lots of stairs and i'll have lots of heavy bins of merch. i may always need help! and i'm glad you're life has been a series of cool moments! keep it going!

Superd4v3252 karma

My band opened up for you some years ago at the red parrot in Lorain and we did a sound check before you. You did your sound check after us and you were rapping with my bands name and freestyling about us. That was extremely cool and something I will remember forever. Thank you. That's all I came here for.

im_mcchrisAMA36 karma

thanks for opening up for me!

BearsysRevenge159 karma

hey mc I've been a fan since 05-06 and I want to thank you for everything you've done for me.

In the fall of 2008 I was in the midst of a serious depression and I felt completely hopeless.

I was so fucked up that when I was walking to and from college I would close my eyes as I crossed the street just in case a car wanted to come flying down the road at that moment.

As my depression worsened I decided to kill myself.

I cleaned my room, wrote a will for the distribution of my few belongings to my family and friends, and wrote letters to all of the important people in my life.

I decided that the best way to go would be by stepping in front of one of the many freight trains that travel through my neighborhood.

Cut to a few days later; I was sitting on the gravel embankment next to the train tracks, smoking a few bowls and listening to what I had intended to be my 'suicide playlist' which was essentially my favorite artists on shuffle as I worked up the nerve to step in front of a 200 ton steel box moving at 45mph.

After about a half hour of sitting and thinking I got up and started to pump myself up to put myself down.

That's when "Never Give Up" from the album 'mc chris is Dead' started playing.

And I sat back down. I listened to the song over and over, and I cried for the longest time.

After that I got up, walked home and tried to keep on trucking.

Maybe I would have found some other reason to stop from killing myself, or maybe I would have gone through with it, I don't know, but your music saved my life.

Now when I get down, I turn to your albums and that Never-give-up-never quit-keep-trying attitude that permeates your work is a serious help.

Thank you.

Edit: I just joined reddit two days ago for an unrelated reason, so I don't know the whole story behind the drama, but I don't give a fuck. People have clashes of opinions. People don't get along. That's human nature. No big deal, neh?

im_mcchrisAMA115 karma

you know i get this letter every week. and im an atheist but i find it so weird how many times never give up has appeared during a shuffle right when a person needed to hear it. i love the mysterious nature of the universe and how sometimes it takes care of us. i'm glad i could help. when i made that song, i told andrew wk, who sings at the end, that it would save lives, and he flashed that big grin. we were weren't making money we were using music to help those that needed it. that's when it's best. we still hope to make another song together. im glad you're feeling better and i hope things continue to improve. your letter is why i do what i do, and i hope i can continue to be given the chance to help those that feel like they have exhausted all their options. never give up!

HDATZ145 karma

How do you respond to the many videos and stories depicting you as having mistreated your fans, or having thrown them out of your shows for seemingly minor infractions, being openly dismissive and/or rude to people who come to you for meet and greets hoping for an autograph, that you've sexually harassed people's girlfriends, etc., etc.?

EDIT: Here's some links for people who have no idea what I'm talking about:

Link 1

Link 2

Link 3

Link 4

EDIT 2: Formatting

im_mcchrisAMA37 karma

simply put, ive made mistakes and i'm sorry i embarrassed others and myself. sometimes i don't mean to be as offensive as its taken, sometimes im angrier than i wish i was, and took it out on those that didn't mean any harm. all i can say is im sorry and it doesn't happen anymore. a part of me thought i was doing the right thing and sticking up for the crowd if folks were being pushed or the show was being ruined. as for sexually harassing others, i've done a lot of things im not proud of, but some things weren't meant to be offensive. other times i wanted to hurt others i felt that were being hurtful towards me. in the future i will try to be the better person if i feel im being attacked. as for lame behavior, hopefully it's come to an end. i feel like im in my right mind now, im older im sober and i have a little more control over myself. i hope you can find it your heart to forgive me and come to another show to see how things have changed.

aryst0krat29 karma

Did you even read his post?


I guess the question is more "are you apologizing now just because you have a new personal project to promote?"

I don't know the guy or his history, so I might be missing something, but maybe he should have apologized to his reddit fans when he had nothing to gain from it.

Yodamanjaro39 karma

The timing is very peculiar indeed.

im_mcchrisAMA3 karma

it was downright stupid. it makes my regret look fake, but i assure you it's not.

Subalpine19 karma

a few years ago in Washington a friend of mine told him he was a big fan, he "Cool Story Bro"'d him pretty hard. he is not nearly famous enough to justify being as big of a dick as he has been...

SarcasticPanda17 karma

Doesn't matter how famous you are, you shouldn't be a dick because it's a dickish thing to do and also because those people are paying money to see you perform or whatever you do that makes you famous.

im_mcchrisAMA19 karma

i agree.

im_mcchrisAMA1 karma

i've never said cool story bro. but if i made your friend feel unimportant or irrelevant i'm truly sorry. i might've been tired. it can often be the case after a long day, long show, and long line. please tell him i'm sorry for me. and if i can list him in the future just write me at mcchrisfanmail@gmail.com

FentruckStimmel10 karma

wow. I thought i was pretty well tuned into music, but I had quite literally never heard of MC Chris until clicking on this AMA. After reading through the comments, and especially these links, the only conclusion I can come up with is this guy is a melodramatic, whiny assclown. For someone who is obviously working a niche genre of music to begin with, shouldnt this guy be doing everything he can to be more inclusive and draw as many people in as possible, rather than kicking out every fan who looks at him crosseyed?

HDATZ8 karma

Well, at this point, I am ready to give the man one more chance. He says things have changed, okay. I'll go down this road one more time. He does have several catchy songs that I do enjoy, and while this may not be his actual "second chance," it is with me.

Clean slate here, Chris. Do us proud.

im_mcchrisAMA4 karma

thanks man i appreciate it. i won't let you down.

[deleted]52 karma


tehtonym20 karma

Backing Zach Braff and mc doesn't take money out of indie artists' pockets.

Also, mc isn't a millionaire like Braff. Cut him some slack yo

im_mcchrisAMA4 karma

this is true. there are no celebrities in my video

311_BRD48 karma

I'm super sorry for being a dick guys.....can I have some money?

Kind of like when a kid acts all nice to get something from their parents.

im_mcchrisAMA21 karma

well i am sorry for being a dick. and you don't have to give me anything. cool?

lunchbox_hoagie36 karma

It seems reddit has turned into the bully they claim you to be MC.

im_mcchrisAMA31 karma

we're all guilty of making mistakes and being hurtful.

RaoulDuke040133 karma

Big fan, got no interest in the beef I'm seeing on this thread. You're awesome and you make awesome music. Keep rockin'.

im_mcchrisAMA13 karma

thanks so much man!

mexicanflavor29 karma

You seem like a self centered asshole who's trying to pick up the scraps of his alienated fanbase, correct? I've listened to your music and it's not great, I'm still trying to figure out what the fuss is about. With that said, good luck staying sober, it's a rough road.

im_mcchrisAMA10 karma

thanks man. being sober is about dealing with reality and i guess that's why i came here today to try to talk to everyone about what happened. i won't give up. i have enough fans that are without complaint that i'll be ok no matter what but i'd like to try to let them know that i'm sorry if they're willing to listen. i think the fuss is there because some folks liked me and then were disappointed and feel cheated. and none of us like that feeling and want the person that cheated us to pay. i understand that.

FlaccidUnic0rn24 karma


Finish this debate between my friends and I, is your song popcorn frog about cunnilingus?

im_mcchrisAMA54 karma

nope it's about eating popcorn with your tongue like a frog, where you stick it out and bring a piece of popcorn back in your mouth. it's also about remembering my mom cheering me up with popcorn after being fun of at school, and how happy it made me, and every time i eat i think back to eating popcorn and watching inspector gadget and just letting the day melt away like butter.

dongloverlover22 karma

Your songs with Childish Gambino always made me happy. My favorite one is probably The Stand. How'd you end up working with Donald so early in his rap career?

im_mcchrisAMA14 karma

he asked me. we're both from UCB so when people were coming up, adult swim was happening and they thought i was cool. now they're cool and i look up to them.

Lowlypeon22 karma

I think you are a very good artist. I enjoy your music, and I've been to several of your shows in Houston. I always disliked the way you seemed to hold disdain for your fans, but always chalked it up to "playing the part" of the persona, and poking fun at other rappers. I always noticed that you'd have people removed, but never put much thought into it. Obviously they had deserved it, I told myself, either through drunkenness or douchbaggery.

Until a few years ago when my (future) wife was ejected for being too enthusiastic about seeing her favorite rapper for the first time. Neither of us have listened to or supported you financially since. I'm glad to see you own up for issues you've had in the past, and I really hope that it's genuine and that it sticks, so that we can get back to enjoying your music like we used to.

PS: A mutual love for your music is one of the many things that drew my wife and I to each other those many years ago. Thank you for that.

im_mcchrisAMA8 karma

well i'm sorry that happened, and i hope you come back to a show. let me list you apologize in person if i can. write me at mcchrisfanmail@gmail.com and let me make it up to you. glad the music brought you together. and again, my apologies.

tentaclepope20 karma

MC, I really can't believe this has devolved so far. I love your music. I wear your shirts. I've met you, and while I don't have any great story, the show was good and you signed my inhaler. You raise money for cf. I just don't think you're an asshole. I'm an uncomfortable, antisocial, awkward nerd and I loved you because it felt like you were too. I wanted to thank you for being you. Also, coming to Columbus, Oh this year?

im_mcchrisAMA8 karma

i hope so we'll find out soon where we're going. thanks for being nice! hope to see you at another show!

cloeventr17 karma

MC: You have nothing to prove to me. You have no reason to apologize to me. I enjoy your music. I loved you on Aqua Teen as MC Pee Pants. Let me also say that people make mistakes in life. No one throws my mistakes back at me so I don't see why you have to continue covering your ass. Reddit can be a nice site, but it's also filled with some pretty hateful people. I wish you the best of luck and I will continue supporting you. I have one question: If you ever had the chance to make a song with someone who would it be and why?

TO ALL OF YOU ON THE HATE WAGON: If you're still offended by something that didn't even happen to you, you really need to get a fucking life. Maybe get off the computer and go do something useful. I'd really like to see a real AMA here but you idiots are ruining it. I can't even scroll down two comments before I see someone else foaming at the mouth about something that doesn't even affect them. STOP IT.

im_mcchrisAMA8 karma

i'd like to collaborate with the wu tang. that would rule pretty hard.

skisaj1217 karma

What was Libertyville like when you were younger? Shameless plug for /r/libertyville

im_mcchrisAMA34 karma

holy shit there's a libertville subreddit? that rules. well, in my day the grass was green there was still farms, but i saw lots of the land get burbed. i lived on lake street near butterfield school. and i played in the little league at butler park, went to adler day camp, when the pool was just two squares. my favorite thing was liberty theater. i remember where i was sitting for most of the movies i saw there. i loved that place so much, the galaga machine. i loved hawthorne theater in vernon hills because they played the more important movies like rotj and ghostbusters and i loved the mall, went every saturday, got two potato cakes and would get a new gi joe at kay bee next door. all that's changed now. a lot of my songs take place there. like tussin first verse, or the masturbation song. you can hear references to downings and denny's in freaks.

now that i'm older and its time for me to settle down i just look for towns like libertyville. but there just isnt one. in a lot of ways it's a perfect place. it can be very conservative and racist, at least when i was there. it wasn't an easy place to grow up being different, not athletic, artistic, but there were cool kids that wore long black coats that listened to the cure. there was a counter culture. i was in all the plays at the high school and would take the walk home around the lake. i loved the lake and cemetery, the willows by the band shelter. i still miss it. last time i was there i went to great america. everything seems so small to me now. growing up sucks. it's like the world shrinks on you.

Strichnine17 karma

I used to like you... then I found out your are an egomaniacal asshole with no success to show for it. You really let your fans down.

im_mcchrisAMA6 karma

so if i had been a success it wouldn't have been so bad? not sure i understand. sorry i let you down but i hope you can find it in your heart to give me a second chance. i know i've let some fans down, but there are an even greater amount fans that weren't let down or maybe they were just more forgiving. hope we can make amends some day.

TheSunOfSanSebastian17 karma

So Wiid is no longer by your side?

im_mcchrisAMA29 karma

nope but i will still do the song live. i just saw that it wasn't helping, i was in a fog and not dealing with reality, whether it be my dad's death, or my career, or even that i was mc chris. it was just time to deal. and it wasn't easy. a lot of people laughed at me and said it wasn't a real addiction but i smoked everyday for 18 years and would get super tense and pissed if i couldn't find any. i can still get tense and pissed, i don't blame it all on weed, but at least now i feel like have more control over my emotions. i don't cry as much at everything. i don't get as upset. although truth be told i can still lose my cool. i just wanted to grow up a little. and now that I'm sober i have a lot of regrets and feel very rip van winkle-ish. i've lost a lot of people, so much has changed, all because i was too stoned to hang out or stay connected. now im trying to reestablish those connections, but it aint easy. but my therapist helped me jump the fence. i thought i would start drinking or kill myself, but he showed me that that just wasnt true. it's been really helpful, and i've saved a lot of dough. and now i read instead and can speak more clearly, remember people and what i was saying. can't wait to perform and not be worried finding weed or getting caught with it. it's a load off my mind and hopefully it will help with fan relations and heckler relations. of course, i respect anyone else's choice to smoke, i think it's the least dangerous way to self medicate and i think i will see it get legalized in my life time. i hope to legally smoke with my kids some day. uh when they're old enough of course. :)

emceeeddie17 karma

Hey Chris, long time fan here (got into your music via Adult Swim back around '02 or '03) Firstly, about the whole "mc chris kicks people out of his shows thing": The first time I saw you live (Knitting Factory '07) you DID kick a dude out, but it was for pissing in beer bottles in the front row. The dude was standing a couple of folks over from me, so I'm glad you handled it and I didn't have to look at wang and/or smell piss the entire night. Good on you. Now for some questions:

-On Race Wars you have a couple of guest spots, something that mc chris albums have lacked in the past; Is this something you will continue to do on future albums and who are some current rappers you haven't collaborated with that you'd like to get on a track? Who are some that you HAVE worked with that you would like to again?

-Who is the comedian on the track "Fuckin' up my Christmas" ? I love the song, but that bit takes a large portion of that dope beat away. Would you ever consider a re-mix where the comedian is cut-out and a third verse is laid down in his place?

-Maybe I was just stoned, but I remember reading years back about plans to release a book containing the lyrics for all of your albums. any news on that front?

-What are some animated series that you like currently and what do you think about the current state of Adult Swim?

Thanks, your pal, Emcee Eddie

im_mcchrisAMA7 karma

  1. not sure who'd i'd collaborate with now, maybe some of the rappers i grew up with beasties boys, wu tang, de la. would love to do another childish track or a kitty pryde track and wk and have talked about reuniting.
  2. steve martin, as another fan pointed out
  3. lyrics book comes out next year
  4. current cartoons, i don't know man, i watch all old shit. although i did watch a lot of superjail last year. as for adult swim now, it's mainly live action and it's a different place from what i knew. i made a bunch of eps of show called tight bros with mf doom and that didn't pan out. so that hurt a little as did getting my show rejected so i've backed off a little but, i'll probably be back someday if i'm lucky.

thanks for writing.

skoorbevad15 karma

"Got these bitches suckin' like they're vacuuming for company" is a line of yours that always made me crack up.

That's all. Carry on.

im_mcchrisAMA16 karma

thanks i always thought no one liked that line! i appreciate it!

UsagiTaicho12 karma

Yoh mc! I'm sorry I missed the AMA man, I just wanted to say how awesome you were, and that I love the cartoon. I'll have to hit the next one to get my questions answered. Thanks!

im_mcchrisAMA17 karma

i'm still here. i've been typing for six and half hours and my fingers look like slugs.

ceanji12 karma

What three music videos for your music would you do if you had a big budget?

im_mcchrisAMA6 karma

never give up, hoodie ninja, nrrrd grrrl

leelee900012 karma

You're the only rapper I know that mentions Katamari Damacy. I like you.

im_mcchrisAMA11 karma

thanks i needed that.

Radical_Ryan10 karma

Do you remember opening for Piebald in Philly and inviting the audience to come see the ATHF movie together after your set?

Did you realize that most of the audience left to take part in this after your set and Piebald had to play to an almost empty room because of it?

im_mcchrisAMA8 karma

i don't think we left until after piebald's set. piebald was having a rough time that tour and they became openers. it wasn't because we all left it was because my fans weren't piebald fans. just bad booking. piebald is a great band and i loved their hearing their songs every night.

TheHoodRat9 karma

I love you MC :)

im_mcchrisAMA9 karma

i love you thanks for saying that!

RideleyStotch9 karma

How'd the fundraiser/auction for cystic fibrosis go, or is that still going on? Last I saw, you were pawning off a pretty sweet looking Hawkeye figurine.

im_mcchrisAMA5 karma

we just did a minifigure series and it went really well. thanks for asking. we'll start CF fundraising again this fall! i have some plushies i think everyone will want as well as some art of... books.

kaylacopter8 karma

mc, I've been to all sorts of concerts. One of your shows, I think in Bowling Green, was very important to me. It wasn't my first time going to one of your shows, but it was important. I went with my boyfriend, his sister (it was her first show and she absolutely loved it, I had never seen her look so happy) and a few friends. I brought a "get well soon" card for my youngest brother who was maybe 8 at the time. Even now he always wants to be where I am, but I go to school 600 miles away from home. We listen to your music all the time. At the end of the show you did a meet and greet. The venue was filled with fans and you took the time to speak with every one of them, posing for pictures when asked. You signed the card that I brought with me and he has had it hanging in his room for 4 years now. Thank you so much for helping make him so happy while being so far away.

im_mcchrisAMA6 karma

i'm glad i could help. and thanks for writing about a positive experience! i know it's hard to be apart but you'll be together again soon!

justbenice898 karma

tell us a crazy story about the tussin!

im_mcchrisAMA8 karma

well my tussin stories are really in the tussin , but one time we drank tussin and went to go see seven samurai and i threw up into a garbage can. i also viva rock vegas on tussin and threw up then as well. lots of vomit.

ValentineWiggen8 karma

Hey mc, thanks for doing this ama!

An ex of mine got me into your music; it was the best thing he ever gave me.

I don't really have any questions (except for: would you please come back to Reno?), but I want to say thank you for your music, and for what you do, and who you are. Your music has gotten me through some shit, and you're an inspiration to me because not only do you embrace who you are, but you pursue your passions and encourage others to do the same. Thanks for being brave, mc, and thanks for giving us someone to look up to!

im_mcchrisAMA7 karma

thanks for being cool. i appreciate it. we usually hit up vegas so we'll see what happens. but i hope i see you at another show!

gharte8 karma

having had a reasonably bad impression of your previous exploits in the world of music and live performance... you sound like you're a decent dude trying to be a better one. looks like the reddit hivemind has kind of veered from apprehension to semi-witch hunt mode, that mustn't be very nice. keep your head up, i'll check out some of your songs once my current spotify playlist gives room for it. last time around i thought i'd skip such an opportunity if it arose.

im_mcchrisAMA11 karma

well thanks for giving me a chance. i think witch hunts don't always make the witch look bad. sometimes it makes the hunters look bad. check out history. hope you enjoy the music. it means a lot that you would listen! :)

ptjester7 karma

hey mc, im really glad you got around to doing this. i am very excited about your upcomming tour. what is your favorite city to play in?

im_mcchrisAMA10 karma

i like ann arbor a lot because it's always a sold out show, they have a cool comic book store, vault of midnight and the fleetwood diner is super good.

i also like orlando, cuz we can go to an amusement park, usually there's a fan that can sneak us in to harry potter first day or simpsons first day when everything is nice and fresh.

i like austin because the food rules and we get to watch a movie at the alamo drafthouse. i like birmingham because of the creamed corn nuggets at bottle tree. i like baton rouge because they make this killer chill for me.

i dunno. i kinda love it all.

drewbert127 karma

Hey mc. I love your new cartoon! Wild West Mars would be where I would want to go too!

What was it like collaborating with the folks animating ATHF when you played the demonic spider/cow/old person mc pee pants?

im_mcchrisAMA4 karma

it was an amazing experience. when i left 70/30 i didn't know if i'd have a job anywhere, let alone at williams street. but they hired me, and before i knew i was in the candy closet where they kept the candy they put in the bowls on the writers table. they had a desk for me in there and an old computer and they just had me start making fake websites for the ATHF ep where they go into the internet. they had me audition for lots of different characters, old drippy, the leprechauns. but it was this little bow wow riff that was a perfect fit for me. and they loved the rap i wrote for the part (i want candy.) if you havent figured it out, mc pee pants is just a bad chris tucker impersonation. i've always loved doing the part, whether in the movie or the video game where i bumped into patton oswalt in the recording booth and said, i'm a big fan and he said I'M a big fan! non stop cool things happened because of that show. and i loved drawing for it too. doing vo would be like a holiday and the rest of the time i was drawing stuff like boxy brown, or covering the houses in blood, or making the future version of the house where it has cannons on it and is being attacked by zombies. athf still airs every day i think and i still see people getting excited about the characters online and on twitter. i was lucky to be a part of it and i still miss it. it was my first year touring where i saw all the athf graffiti and tattoos and i thought this is really important to a lot of people. i'm still amazed i crossed paths with it.

streetsoldier6256 karma

Hey MC,

First off, thank you for simply being awesome. I played a lot of your music on a college radio show that I host in SC. You're very appreciated there. My main question(s) are a) how was working on music for several of Kevin Smith's projects, b) how goes the kickstarter, and c) Is there any chance you could do a show in South Carolina in the coming years (preferably on a weekend so that broke college students like myself can come and show our loving nerdy appreciation)?

im_mcchrisAMA11 karma

kevin smith was amazing to work with. very encouraging when the rest of the world wasn't.

the kickstarter goes well. slow day but i've been here for ten hours.

and yes i think we are hitting up SC again this summer. i don't know though, but i get dates this week.

zmeace6 karma

My backpack's got jets....

im_mcchrisAMA10 karma

i'm boba the fett

zmeace10 karma

You have just completely made my day...week...month. Thank you so much for replying with exactly what i wanted. Thank you...

I bounty hunt for jabba hutt...

im_mcchrisAMA10 karma

to finance my vette

Nutrinostar8 karma

Hey i just wanted to say i sent you a message if you kould see it that would be awsome its in your personal messages sorry im kinds secretive about things

im_mcchrisAMA5 karma

thanks i'll read it! secrets are great!

InsetSync6 karma

What's it like being in the T-Shirt business?

im_mcchrisAMA8 karma

sucky, but we do ok.

1LT_Obvious5 karma

Hey just a shout out to the people in this thread, idk if you want to say something about it MC, but people are definitely downvoting everything they can so that their questions go to the top. I'm gonna go throw my upvotes to everyone I can.

im_mcchrisAMA4 karma

i want to try to get to everything here and i'm not gonna stop until i do. if someone wants to have a go at me. let's do it. maybe we can make it right.

awesomepossum875 karma

I know this is a cliche question, but what is your favorite song to perform? Also, when you were younger did you always see yourself as a rapper or did mini MC Chris have different life plans? And most of all, thank you for doing this AMA.

im_mcchrisAMA8 karma

thanks for asking a question! i love performing fett's vette because we all sing it together. that's when a song is done when we all know and can sing it without a beat.

when i was little i wanted to be bill waterson or bill amend. i thought being a cartoonist was the coolest thing you could be. i always thought id be a disney animator growing. and it was crazy that i actually became one, albeit with adult swim.

Hatch48151623424 karma

hey big fan.what was the album/song you most enjoyed creating?

im_mcchrisAMA6 karma

mc chris is dead by far. it was my first album with andrew futral. and i think it was a creative high point for me. where it wasn't about money, merch and touring, and i didn't feel like i was being taken advantage of. andrew is a fun guy to work with and very good at what he does. and everything just came together. i like freaks, hoodie ninja, nrrrd grrrrl, mc chris is dead, never give up so many songs on that album i like and i usually feel like i fucked it all up most of the time. but that album i can live with.

In_da_9204 karma

Fellow chris,

First I heard about your AMA was on FB when you were telling peoples to post a memoir of a good mc chris experience. This is me doing what I was told:

Back in 2006 I saw you in Milwaukee. The show was quite simply epic. I've never had such an awesome time at a live event before. At the end of the show people were headed to the merch table and you were toweling off. You threw said towel into the crowd and I SNATCHED that mf'er, gangster-style. Bought Eating's Not Cheating, had you sign the towel and before I went home, I stopped at Wal-Mart to get a big enough frame. Bam

Second show was in 2011. You were doing the costume contest for a trip to Disney. I borrowed my friend's Master Chief costume and made it to the final two only to lose to someone dressed as Randy Savage. Motherfucker looked like he ate Macho Man. I wore the whole costume from the second I walked in to the Cactus Club and I sweat so much I bled. Still worth it to get this.

If I have to ask you something, I'd just ask what you think about me framing the towel.

Thanks for being you, mc. I appreciate you sharing your extraordinary life, and your gift of music with the world.

im_mcchrisAMA8 karma

thanks for writing! and thanks for coming to two shows! glad the towel meant something to you! i think it's awesome that you cared enough to give it a frame tbh.i appreciate you being nice thanks!

smartglass3 karma

I like your music, I like your skits, but i fucking hate your apologies. STOP APOLOGIZING

im_mcchrisAMA1 karma

me too my sorry mouth is all puffed up

netbiscuit2 karma

This isn't so much a question, but since I'm sure it will eventually come up I'd like to appeal to reddit to approach this as mature people, rather than as a pitchfork wielding mob of trolls. Hopefully the vitriol has died down by now, and we can take this opportunity to address things calmly and constructively, in a non-volatile environment. I had tried to make a few points at the time of the original outrage, but they got buried by knee-jerk downvotes. Meanwhile, comments like "lol this music is garbage!" would get upvoted, when under normal circumstances, I doubt such comments would gain any traction at all. It reminds me of this image. So I'd like to try to make said comments again, in the hopes that they will be judged by their merits this time.

I'll start by saying that yes, I'm a fan of mc chris. I've been following him on facebook for quite some time, have been to a few live shows, and watched tons of behind the scenes videos/interviews/etc. I like to think I'm a pretty fair and reasonable guy, so I'm not going to say mc chris is perfect and he's never said or done anything I felt was uncalled for. But I did feel the original thread painted an unfair picture of who mc chris is. Both as a fan and someone who cares about fairness, I'd like to do my part to correct that.

First off, some of the posts were blatant lies, which would be obvious to anyone who actually follows him. There were stories told where he acted in a completely uncharacteristic and over the top manner. Off the top of my head, someone wrote a story about mc showing up drunk, but anyone who's been following him knows he doesn't drink. Anyone who reads reddit regularly is aware of how many people lie for no reason or at least for easy karma. It happens all the time. For a community that prides itself on its skepticism, I sure didn't see very much of it on display.

Second, some of the stories I can believe were true, but I didn't find them to be unreasonable or outrageous. It's no secret that he'll have people kicked out of shows from time to time. For the most part, nobody has a problem with it, because they usually deserve it, for being drunk or disruptive. If you listen to any bootleg standup comedians, you'll hear them kick people out regularly for heckling and disrupting the performance. Some performers are lucky enough to travel with a security crew who usually handle that, but mc doesn't have that so he has to handle that duty himself. In the spirit of fairness, I have seen him say or do things from time to time that I felt were out of line, and I think it's fair game to call him out on these. For example, I was at a show once and a girl had gone on stage and grabbed his ass, and he had her removed. This is completely understandable. Not only is that disruptive, it's inappropriate. Had the genders been reversed there would be far worse consequences than being kicked out. As she was being kicked out though, he said something like "Sluts don't win". I think kicking her out was justified, but calling her a slut was not.

I have one final point I'd like to make. I actually went to the show that was either right after the thread showed up on reddit, or maybe the second show after. The first thing to note is that it was still packed, so I don't think the true fans bought into the controversy. I think most of the hate was coming from people who just learned who he was that very day and wanted to get in on the karma bandwagon. But more importantly, I saw the opener, Richie Branson, and it was pretty obvious that it really got to him. He was using a lot of self-deprecating humor throughout his set. The line he opened with was "I'm Richie Branson and I suck". It was said in a half joking tone, but the other non-joking half came through as well. When I saw that, I felt like I understood where mc was coming from when he decided to have that guy removed. Honestly, I felt like what the guy said wasn't necessarily wrong, but it definitely wasn't presented as constructive criticism. He was just being a dick. I thought his music went a little too heavy on the geeky references, and could have used some subtlety. His live performance also seemed like it was lacking vitality, though this could have been a result of having his confidence shaken by the whole ordeal. But really, that's to be expected. He was a new artist on his first tour. Nobody is awesome at what they do instantly, it takes practice to get really good. I think we can cut him some slack as he finds his voice, because he definitely has potential. I've heard some stuff he did since then, and he's getting better for sure.

Ok, I think that's about it. Sorry about the wall of text, but I've wanted to get this off my chest since the original thread happened. I'll just leave it at this: Don't just trust second hand stories from reddit. Why not follow him on twitter or facebook for a little bit, or maybe check out a live show if you're willing to spend a few bucks, so you can have an informed opinion? Keep an open mind and I think you'll find he's not nearly as bad a guy as you've been led to believe.

Kvothe2453 karma

I feel like you could have said this in half as many words.

guywithtnt6 karma

TL;DR it for me please

Kvothe244 karma

TL;DR: A lot of people are probably going to talk shit and troll after what happened last time. I like your music and for the most part think you are a good guy. Sometimes you kick people out of shows for good reasons, other times I personally did not agree with. To all redditors: before you judge him on stories you've heard of him, follow him on facebook/twitter/go to his shows and form your own opinion as best you can.

Okay, he could have said it in 1/8 the words. No weed pun intended.

im_mcchrisAMA5 karma

a lot of folks is say i heard... or he seems... but that's just rumor and hearsay. yes please check me out on face book or come to a show and give me the benefit of the doubt. i know it's a lot to ask but if there's a chance i'm not what they say, don't i deserve the chance to show you in reality what i'm like? i have fucked up, but we've all fucked up. thanks for considering it.

im_mcchrisAMA3 karma

thanks for saying that. there were lots of lies that day. and there were stories that were true describing behavior that i'm not proud of and long story short, i have a lot to work on. i was venting my anger on fans, i was being a control freak, i was bottoming out, and it was really thanks to that day that i came to see that a lot had to change. i wasn't happy being a mean person, i was overreacting to everything. what i wanted was to do the best job i could for the people that paid for it, and when someone made me lose my shit, well it shitballed from there. the show was no longer perfect, the jokes were lost, the show was ruined. even though it really wasn't. i was just an overreacting perfectionist. but that tour taught me to juggernaut through that stuff rather than make it part of the show. comedians get the luxury of making it part of the show, but i think it just doesn't work in my domain. yes i'm telling jokes, but they're in between songs so it's new it's different. it's asking a lot of the audience. my core audience knows this stuff and they love, but there's new people every night that are like WTF is this shit, do i want candy!

i think there were enough bad experiences that it was time for me to check myself but there were lots of rep damaging comments were made that people now see as the truth. and yes we believe in freedom of speech but we also believe in a man is innocent until proven guilty, we can't just witch hunt people into suicide or anonymity when they're really something we want to remain.

i think the worst thing said is that i hate my fans and treat them like shit, when in reality i meet every fan after every show and have for 8 years. why would i do that if i hated them? why would they get in line? why would some fans come to 8-12 shows or buy just as many shirts? it's not because i treat them like shit, it's because i treat them like people that matter. but as some of the comments showed i wasn't always awesome. i was real, and sometimes angry, sometimes rude, sometimes offensive. most artists run to the van or the bus and avoid the possibility that they might do something that isn't perfect. i didn't do that. maybe i should have. i liked thanking everyone and hugging everyone. i can't wait to do it again. if you can believe i don't want to yell at anyone, or be upset about something else and have it rear its ugly head during an interaction with a fan. i want to be in my right mind and have control so that fan can feel loved and appreciated because they are truly loved and truly appreciated.

it's ok for comedians to be rude dicks but like i said i have to be something different because i am something different. and like i said before i'm learning and there's always room for improvement.

KoolAidWino2 karma

How is it that the adult swim bump you were featured in for Sealab (New Shows Stomp) is so addictive when I have no idea what the actual lyrics are to it?

im_mcchrisAMA3 karma

new shows new shows sealab 2021 new shows marco debbie and quinn sparks and stormy everybody dive in because it's new shows new shows ya wanna look me up better look below sealab 2021 new shows!

UndertakingFX2 karma

Hey Chris! Where did you end up hanging your Cthulhu Plaque? Thanks!

…also, how far did you get in Luigi's Mansion?

im_mcchrisAMA2 karma

i'm at the clock tower thanks for asking, and cthulhu is over calendar on my bed. the calendar with all the green x's on it for days without weed. every time i look at it i think, that's gonna make a lot of money for CF someday.

pasta_monster2 karma

I had heard somewhere you were dead and there was the possibility of you never coming back. Glad to see this is not the case.

im_mcchrisAMA0 karma

mc chris is dead is actually a play off the biggie tupac posthumous releases or the chopping broccoli skit in snl. that artists are better off dead because they become legends and make tons of money for their labels. i hope that isn't the case with me. but so many people were wishing i was dead, i just wrote out what it would be like if i was. the trick is when i do die. no one will believe it but when i do die i hope people remember that i might have been flawed but i truly wanted to help everyone. sometimes that might've seemed totally not the case, but it's true.

beersexual0 karma

Hey Chris! Congrats on your sobriety. Keep it up and stay healthy. Love your music.

im_mcchrisAMA0 karma

thanks man it ain't easy but now the hard part isn't wanting to get high it's wanting to join everyone for a drink. im only four mos sober weed wise but it's been seven years this fall without a drink. i can feel like hank the tank where he's like the bubbles feel so good on my lips. it's hard because i see how life is kinda drab and boring without drinking and socializing, but i couldn't handle it. i was a child of an alcoholic and it made me binge. no matter what it was. now i'm addicted to tea and get headaches when i don't drink it, but it's bad for my vocal cords so now i have to quit it before tour. it's always something.