Hi, I'm db', 22 years old human and developer who proudly joined the Google Glass Explorer program 2 weeks ago. I try to be future-oriented and open-minded by using new technologies on a daily basis. For instance, I started using a Nexus 7 instead of a regular laptop about one year ago. My experience so far with Google Glass is wonderful but not perfect yet so I regularly give feedback and ideas to the Google Glass team.

I saw that someone else did the same AMA, but I think it's interesting to get several opinions since we'll all use it differently.

Proof: the confirmation of my order and my Google+ account.

Edit: Thank you for all your questions. It took me more time than I expected, but it was a lot of fun! If you have more questions, go ahead, I'll answer them. I will probably publish an article that will summarize this IAmA. Stay tuned on /r/googleglass.

Comments: 267 • Responses: 83  • Date: 

Hitmanchief63 karma

Do you sometimes crush your glasses if someone approaches you and says: "Vegeta, what does the Scouter say about his power level?"

db0company71 karma

No, because I know the true power of Sangoku, so I trust my Glass.

bradinphx49 karma

Have you worn the glasses during sex?

db0company74 karma


Downbound9223 karma


db0company21 karma

There's not much more to say '

TheOnlyb0x32 karma

How is your vision being affected?

db0company26 karma

I have it on my face and I look at it everyday (usually very briefly, it's not made to be used for a long time), and I don't feel any discomfort.

I'm also interested in what Google did about this. Did they scientifically tested it? I will probably try to get more information about this in the next days.

cartoonartist14 karma

I know that an eye vision expert called Eli Peli consulted Google for two years, I saw interviews with him on TV.

I googled his name up and came up with this Forbes article http://www.forbes.com/sites/eliseackerman/2013/03/04/could-google-glass-hurt-your-eyes-a-harvard-vision-scientist-and-project-glass-advisor-responds/

db0company6 karma

Thanks for the link!

bitch_nigga2 karma

Would using Google Glasses constantly eventually give you lazy eyes?

db0company4 karma

I don't think so. I tried to use it for a long time (~20 minutes non-stop), browsing my pictures on my timeline, and my eyes were not bleeding or anything.

But as I said, you're not supposed to use it for a long time in a row.

Swillyums21 karma

You say you're wearing it every day, so how well has it integrated into your life. I know that I cannot operate without my phone; does it feel the same way, or is it more forced?

db0company32 karma

I was using my phone and my tablet all the time, but now, I use my Glass instead for:

  • taking pictures/videos. The fact that it's hand-free is magical.
  • sending messages to my friends. Spelling them instead of typing them helps me save a lot of time.
  • Google things. Same reason.
  • Read aloud my important emails while walking on the street or doing something else.
  • Get directions to places while walking. So much easier than having to take my phone out of my pocket all the time!

So, as you can see, I'm using it for simple things that we all do all the time on our phones or computers, and that's why I integrated it in my daily life very quickly and easily.

I know what you feel about your phone, and I feel the same way with Glass. But I don't think it's a bad habit, since Glass has been made to be integrated in your life while letting you live your life. When you use Glass, every actions is handled very quickly, so you have more time to enjoy your real life.

bluewolf3713 karma

How's the battery life using the gps features? How long of a video can you make?

db0company13 karma

How's the battery life using the gps features?

I have to charge it everyday, like my smartphone. The GPS is on all the time.

How long of a video can you make?

By default, it will record 10 seconds video, but while taking it, you can extend and it will not stop until Glass run out of battery.

GrandKittah7 karma

How do you tell it to continue taking video? Do you have to touch it, or use a voice command?

db0company2 karma

Saying it aloud would spoil the video, so you have to tap on the touchpad once to go into the options, then you can choose "extend" or "stop recording".

There is also a physical button on the top of the touchpad to take pictures and videos. If you press it once, it'll take a picture, if you hold it for a second, it will record a video. While recording a video, pressing it once will stop recording, holding it will extend the video.

ggolemg19 karma

Do you find yourself looking up when not wearing glass out of habit?

db0company31 karma

Not looking up, but I try to put my hand on the touchpad to turn it on, to take pictures or to Google stuff. I got used to wear it pretty quickly and I miss it when I don't have it. I don't think my dependency is a bad thing, it just shows that this device is really convenient.

Emperor_Rancor24 karma

The use of the word "dependency" is what I'm afraid of.

db0company29 karma

It's probably the same kind of "dependency" as people have with their phones.

Emperor_Rancor36 karma

No, I'm literally afraid of the word "dependency". Can we stop using it?

db0company24 karma


turnnburn115 karma

Is there a way you could adapt Google glass to just use your glasses?

db0company15 karma

The current Google Glass prototype is sold with two accessories: a "shield" and a "shade" that you can add to Glass pretty easily.


The shade can be used as sunglasses and the shield is just transparent and useless (it just makes Glass look like regular glasses).

I think we got these two accessories because they will adapt them and sell them later for people who need glasses, and this will probably be the only solution. I tried them over real glasses and it doesn't fit at all.

turnnburn17 karma

I also read something that the price will be about $1,500. Is this true?

db0company27 karma

The prototype is $1500 without taxes, which is pretty cheap for a prototype. The release date and price have not been announced yet.

In my opinion, Google should sell it pretty cheap, around $200 (like the Nexus 7), because more people would buy it. And if more people buy it, it will be less "socially awkward" to have it on your face.

cracka_azz_cracka15 karma

How long did it take you to get around the porn restriction?

db0company20 karma

I'm not interested in "breaking" my device, nor the rules of my device. I like to use it as a simple user to understand its goals and give feedback to Google or develop good apps for it.

fillycheezesteak12 karma

What is the most useful feature of Google Glass? What's the most annoying feature?

db0company19 karma

The most useful feature for me is taking pictures and videos quickly and easily (+ they're good quality pictures). Sending messages by spelling them is also very nice.

The most annoying is that the touchpad is very sensitive, so sometimes, I take it in my hand and it starts googling random things.

awestrom9 karma


tenhou11 karma

Contraction of there and are

db0company9 karma

So is it correct or not? Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker and I'm still working on it.

dictatorcock3 karma


db0company3 karma

Ok, thanks.

emergent_properties3 karma

Wait? That's it?

Not a universal translator.. not instant access to google now.. just the ability to use it as just a goddamn camera?

db0company8 karma

All of them are useful and I use them pretty often. He asked for "the most useful". I'm really into photography but other people would use it most for other things.

Electroces11 karma

What is the main purpose of this device? I mean it's more like a camera? What other things you can do?

db0company14 karma

The main purposes of the device are:

  • To allow you to get notifications and answer them quickly, without checking your phone all the time (text messaging, emails, ...) It helps you avoid this classic scenario: you're hanging out with your friends, your phone rings because you received a message, you read it, and then you end up browsing social networks or playing Tetris.
  • To take hand-free pictures/videos and share them quickly and easily.
  • To feed your mind by searching for things on Google: pictures, definitons, translation, general culture.
  • To share your best life moments with the people you love using Google Hangouts.

I highly recommend you to watch this video: http://www.google.com/glass/start/how-it-feels It's an excellent overview of what you can do with it.

ferrarifan10 karma

After google glass, what is the next technological advancement that you want to happen?

db0company13 karma

Glass is a solution for something we need: technology with us all the time, but that we can use when we need it. I don't think another new device should replace Glass, but Glass should be improved.

Here is a list of a few things that I think will happen in the future:

  • the device will be smaller and discrete
  • maybe it will be integrated in the human body
  • the voice recognizer will be improved and available in several languages
  • it will allow us to share things not only on social networks but also with real people around us (using a video projector, for instance)
  • it will be the only device you need when you're not in front of a computer
  • for most people, computers and other devices will become useless
  • it will help people with disabilities and people who can't speak the same language to communicate

Feel free to share your ideas too. Hope you like mines :)

[deleted]3 karma


db0company16 karma

You can already say "OK Glass... Google... Translate swimsuit in French" and it will show you http://i.imgur.com/bdHEabT.png while reading it aloud with a perfect accent.

You can't translate something from another language to English, since the voice recognizer only works in English for now.

Btw, I took this screenshot using the "Screencast" feature of the mobile app. Handy.

cobaltcollapse9 karma

Does it have ads, and if so how irritating are they?

db0company13 karma

Not at all. By default, the screen is turned off. To turn it on, you need to tap the touchpad or raise your head. When it's turned on, you can see what time it is. When you swipe on the touchpad, you can navigate through your "timeline": pictures/videos you took, pictures/videos you shared, messages, emails, hangouts, google searches. Only the things you want to see, displayed in a simple, clean way. Nothing else.

iEATu235 karma

What about notifications? Do they make the screen turn on? That seems pretty distracting.

db0company3 karma

No, it's just a sound. If you turn on your screen right after the ringtone, you'll see what it's about directly. If you turn it on later, you will see the home screen and you have to go back on your timeline to see it. Glass guidelines to publish an app specify that cards should never be "critical". It should not be a problem if you miss one.

Kunt_Thunda8 karma

Are you able to show us what you see?

db0company7 karma

  • I can show what I see on my Glass using the MyGlass Android app.
  • I can show what I see around me using Google Hangout.

Kunt_Thunda5 karma

Whatever is easiest.

db0company6 karma

You mean, right now?

Kunt_Thunda5 karma

No rush.

Edit: Are you able to take a picture and upload it to imgur?

db0company7 karma

If you want, you can ask me to do something on my Glass and I can show you the screenshot of the result.

Kunt_Thunda2 karma

I'm more curious of what you see. Like if you held a camera from where your head is. Thank you very much for the replies.

db0company10 karma

Maybe this picture? You can see my arms so it gives you an idea of what I can see. http://i.imgur.com/PIoQ0TO.jpg

I can't really show you what I can see with the screen, since it's projected directly in the eye.

[deleted]2 karma

Can you Google pictures of cats? How does that look?

db0company5 karma

werebearbull7 karma

Do your eyes get tired from using it?

How do people react?

What are your main complaints about it?

What feature would you like to add?

db0company19 karma

Do your eyes get tired from using it?

Not at all. You're not supposed to read longs things on it or do things that takes a long time. It's just quick actions on the go.

Also, it took me about one day to get used to wear it since I never had glasses. But I got used to it faster than sunglasses because it's very light.

How do people react?

I was waiting for this question!

I live in San Francisco. So people are pretty open-minded there. I don't think people would react the same way in other cities. Anyway, here is a list of reactions:

  • Most of the people just don't care. I don't know if it's because they're used to weird things or if they think it's just regular glasses or if they just don't notice anything. I think they just don't notice it.
  • Most of the people that noticed it (~20) asked me about it. They were very nice and open-minded. They just wanted to know a little bit more about it. Most of them know what it is (they call it "Google Glasses") but they don't know what is does exactly, so I take a few minutes to explain them a little bit. They're usually impressed and want to have one. None of them had bad opinions about it, as I expected (like "Google is violating my privacy" or "humans are not cyborgs" :P).
  • I saw a few faces (~5) turning around while opening their mouths and following me with their eyes. I probably made their days. It reminds me when I saw someone wearing it for the first time ;)
  • Some people (~15) just looked at me while I was passing by and I heard them saying to their friends "Was it Google Glass? Wow!"
  • One girl (~12 years old) asked me what happened to my glasses because they look weird, so I explained her and she was impressed.
  • A guy in his car stopped next to me and shouted "OK GLASS GOOGLE PICTURES OF CAT" and left.
  • A guy was walking on the street next to me and shouted "TAKE A PICTURE" and then left while laughing.

So, I got pretty good reactions!

IRL, nobody complained about it, which is more positive than I expected, but I got a few "trolls" messages on social networks:

  • "Is google recording everything you can see?"
  • "Is it sended to Pirsm?" (no idea what is pirsm)
  • "Isn't it illegal?"

What are your main complaints about it?

  • The voice recognizer is annoying sometimes.
  • What you say is not buffered so you need to make breaks between your sentences. For instance, you have to say: "Ok glass... Google... Translate something in Spanish".
  • You need to add your contacts and known wifi networks using the app or the website. It's probably because it's easier for the voice regonizer to know who you're talking about if you just have a few contacts, but Google know who you're contacting the most so these contacts could be added automatically.
  • The touchpad is very sensible so sometimes I just want to hold it (when it's not on my head) and it starts googling random stuff I'm saying. Now I hold it from somewhere else than the touchpad but it took me a while to change this habit.
  • The google results are sometimes too short to give you the information you need.
  • I still need to use my phone.

What feature would you like to add?

A lot! I have a list of ideas that I write down everyday to give feedback or to develop some apps by myself. If you have some ideas, I'd be happy to hear them!

  • An app to get notifications on new RSS posts (that does not ring because it would be too spammy)
  • Reddit (same as RSS)
  • An app to help you follow recipes while you cook
  • Google Keep support to take quick notes (I don't know why they decided to use Evernote instead)
  • A task manager (like Google tasks or Astrid)
  • Vine

Here is the list of apps available for now on Glass:

  • Google+
  • GMail
  • Google Now
  • The New York times
  • Evernote
  • Facebook
  • Path
  • Tumblr
  • CNN
  • Elle
  • Twitter

The problem with the Glass API is that you can only "push cards" on the timeline or add "contacts" to share pictures/videos with. You cannot add any voice action (such as "google", "get directions to", "send a message to", "take a picture", ...). In other words, you can only consume content, you can't create anything besides pictures/videos.

thelonelygod9 karma

Did it google a picture of a cat?

db0company11 karma

No, because the voice recognizer is not activated when the screen is not turned on. To turn it on, you need to tap the touchpad or raise your head.

thelonelygod7 karma

I am incredibly disappointed by that. . .

db0company13 karma

Next time, if you see someone wearing Glass, do the same thing but don't forget to tap his touchpad before ;)

db0company3 karma

Bonus reactions in New York: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxi1cwBOCt8

neeaaalll7 karma

is it as easy to use as the glass promotional videos make it out to be? also, whats your favorite candy?

db0company14 karma

It's super easy. Even more than the video, because you can also use the touchpad to manipulate it, which is pretty convenient. I'm pretty sure my grandmother could use it. However, the voice recognizer doesn't work very well in too noisy places, like in restaurants/bars. It's also hard to hear people on the phone. But I guess it's the same with regular phones.

I'm not a big fan of candies but I love cookies and cupcakes.

neeaaalll5 karma

i dont like cupcakes that much. or candy for that matter. ha. but peanut butter cookies and oatmeal raisin are bomb. where is the touch pad located?

db0company17 karma

The part I highlighted in red: http://imgur.com/lcsIL06

This-Is-Not-A-Drill5 karma

Do you have to use "Text-To-Speech" when typing something?

How do you feel about the functionality so far?

Is it comfortable to use? Do you forget you have it on?

How do you "use it differently" then other developers in the program?

Thanks for doing this AMA, you seem really cool!

EDIT: Also, if you don't mind, how did you get into this program? Sorry for asking so many questions, I'm just really interested in this project.

db0company10 karma

Do you have to use "Text-To-Speech" when typing something?

You can use the touchpad to navigate through the menus and the timeline or to activate an action ("google", "take a picture", "get directions to", ...), but speaking aloud is required for "free" inputs.

How do you feel about the functionality so far?

It's working very well. Surprisingly, it feels exactly like the promotional video.

Is it comfortable to use? Do you forget you have it on?

It took me about one day to get used to it because I never had any glasses. Now I don't feel it at all.

Yes, I forget I have them, and when I don't I try to use it without notifying that they're not on my face :)

How do you "use it differently" then other developers in the program?

I love photography (I take about 100 pictures per day) and I'm not really into social networking. Someone who uses social networks everyday could probably give you a different opinion on Glass. Someone who uses his bike to go from places to places would use the "get directions to..." more often than me.

Also, I'm a developer as well as a user, so I can give you my opinion on both sides of the experience.

Thanks for doing this AMA, you seem really cool!

It's a wonderful experience to be in the Glass explorer program, so it's a pleasure to share it with Redditors. Thank you, it's also cool from you to ask me questions.

EDIT: Also, if you don't mind, how did you get into this program? Sorry for asking so many questions, I'm just really interested in this project.

I participated in the "#ifihadglass" contest. It was on Twitter and Google+ and the goal was to explain what you would do if you have Glass. I shared an idea of an app I would like to make for Glass, and they liked it, so I received an invitation to buy a prototype.

makwanza5 karma

How is the speech recognition on glass?

db0company5 karma

I think it's the same than on Android phones. So it's pretty good. It's guessing what you want to say by trying to make a sentence that makes sense. You can spell words and you can add punctuation by saying it ("exclamation mark", "period").

Sometimes, it's pretty annoying because you have to try several times before it gets what you want to say. Specially for names (contacts, street names) and when you're in a noisy place (restaurants, bars).

RangerSix4 karma

Do you play Ingress?

If so, have you used Glass while playing, and what's it like playing Ingress with Glass?

db0company3 karma

Do you play Ingress?

I tried it but I'm not really into video games.

If so, have you used Glass while playing

Ingress is not yet available on Glass. The video of the guy playing it on Youtube as been made by deactivating the Glass software to use a regular Android on Glass.

and what's it like playing Ingress with Glass?

Using Ingress with the Android tricky solution is probably not fun at all, since Glass is not supposed to be used as an Android phone.

I think Google will publish an official Ingress app. And it will be awesome, because using the "get directions to" feature while walking is a lot of fun.

geoffgrindd4 karma

Tell us the truth, you use proxies to watch porn on it in public.

db0company8 karma

You can't even open a browser on it or watch a video (besides the ones you took).

The only solution to watch porn without "breaking" it would be to use Google Hangout, I think. With an account that accepts all the requests and diffuse porn in the video stream.

No, I'm not going to try this ;)

manchovy_paste3 karma

Does the camera pretty much capture your exact field of vision or is there a noticeable offset or difference?

db0company6 karma

TL;DR: Move your head, not your eyes ;)

It took me a while to understand what part of my vision the camera takes in pictures. First, I thought I should consider what I can see through the screen as what will be the picture, but it was too high. Then, I realized that I should just not think about the screen because it's what the developers wanted. And it was true.

So, the best way to take pictures is to have your eyes looking right in front of you, and then to move your head to have your subject in the middle of your vision.

The camera takes "wide-angled" pictures (is that correct? sorry I'm not a native speaker ).

If I have time, I will take a picture with Glass and a picture with my Galaxy Nexus at the same distance to show you the difference.

MD823 karma

Do you ever feel weird talking to the glasses? Also do you get weird glances from people?

db0company4 karma

Do you ever feel weird talking to the glasses?

No, because people usually know what it is and what you're doing. It's also pretty common to talk on a bluetooth headset now so people don't mind.

Also do you get weird glances from people?

Here is the list of reactions I saw so far: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1gsz0a/i_use_google_glass_everyday_as_part_of_the/cankf53

LightRender3 karma

Is it worth the money and is there lag during use?

db0company3 karma

Is it worth the money?

Depends on what will be the price when they'll release it, and we don't have this information yet. I think it would worth the price up to ~$1500 but most people would not spend that much money so they should sell it around ~$200 (see http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1gsz0a/i_use_google_glass_everyday_as_part_of_the/canijlc).

and is there lag during use?

Not at all, but you always have a few seconds to cancel your actions, which is pretty convenient. You can skip those by taping on the touchpad once.

bitch_nigga3 karma

Are you using Google Glass to answer this question?

db0company7 karma

Not this one, but I have my Google Glass on my head right now, and I use it while answering the questions. I use it to translate the words I don't understand in your questions from English to French (my native language), to read aloud some emails I received, to answer some text messages from my friends and to read messages from Twitter.

Korkinator2 karma

How are apps used on google glass?

db0company2 karma

The API is available:

Apps can:

  • Publish "cards" and sub-"cards" on your timeline (with texts, photos, options...)
  • Get your position
  • Add a contact to share pictures/videos to

As on Android phones, you see the list of permissions the app needs before activating it.

You cannot add any action to the list of actions available after you say "OK Glass", which is, in my opinion, something that should be added.

cshaxercs2 karma

Who are your guy's main target in the market now?
Will it replace the cell phone?

db0company3 karma

I have no idea for your first question, since I'm not a Google employee. I'm just a tester.

For now, Glass is connected to your mobile phone to get mobile data when wi-fi is not available and to handle text messaging and calls.

Maybe it will replace cell phones in the future, but not in the next years. For now, Glass is more an accessory linked to your phone and it can only handle very very simple actions and give you very very small answers. I still need to use my phone for more advanced features.

anglinjay2 karma

I can see the use of google glass as a "hands-free cam" thing, but other than that, what is it good for? What is Google trying to accomplish with their glasses that isn't already possible with smart phones and tablets?

db0company2 karma

Glass is a solution for something we need: technology with us all the time, but that we can use when we need it.

It helps you avoid this classic scenario: you're hanging out with your friends, your phone rings because you received a message, you read it, and then you end up browsing social networks or playing Tetris.

Glass is doing a few things that you can do with your phone/tablet but in a very quick and simple way, so you can get/do what you need to get/do while staying "in the moment".

Here is the list of features (I wonder why nobody asked this):

  • "Google" something (+ answer questions, get definitions, translation, pictures)
  • "Take a picture"
  • "Record a video"
  • Share pictures and videos (Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, other apps)
  • "Get directions to" + address or name of an attraction somewhere ("nearest restaurant" works)
  • "Send a message to" + name will send a text message or an email (depends on what's available on the contact info)
  • "Make a call to"
  • "Hangout with"
  • Settings (wifi, bluetooth, wake up on head up or not, on-head detection, guest mode)
  • Google Now cards (weather, nearest attractions, birthdays, your next flight, ...)
  • Apps can add "cards" to the timeline (for instance I get my latest email from GMail and messages from Twitter when I'm mentioned)
  • You can "read aloud" long messages (like emails)

Dok12 karma

Do people often ask you if they can test it for a second?

db0company4 karma

My closest friends asked me, but nobody asked me on the street.

I'm allowed to give it to people if they want to test it, but I have to turn on the "guest mode", stay with them the whole time and they can't have pictures of them wearing it.

[deleted]2 karma


db0company3 karma

It'll be very hard for Google to make it "huge" since they're asking people to put something on their faces that is pretty uncommon. But I think they did a good job so far, by becoming partners with fashion companies during the fashion week in Paris, for instance. They need their devices to look "normal" and not "weird" nor "geeky", so showing it as a "fashion" accessory was a genius idea.

I have good faith that Glass will be successful, but I can't deny that there is also a chance of failure.

The price of the device will also be a determining factor. If it's cheap, more people will buy it, so it will be more "normal". But if it's too cheap, it will not be "fancy" and "design" (as Apple products, for instance).

assi90012 karma

Do you find yourself being self conscious about using the voice search features / voice commands? I for one wish Glass came with a sub-vocal mic attachment.

db0company2 karma

Do you find yourself being self conscious about using the voice search features / voice commands?

No, because people usually know what it is and what you're doing. It's also pretty common to talk on a bluetooth headset now so people don't mind.

I for one wish Glass came with a sub-vocal mic attachment.

It's really important for Google that people know when you're doing something with Glass. It would be pretty dangerous to be able to take pictures of people without them noticing.

ScarFinger2 karma

How many times have you been called a 'Glass-hole'?

db0company2 karma


ThemBonesAreMe2 karma

There's nothing to ask you. Google+NSA can tell us everything about you ;)

db0company3 karma

And as you probably saw, I don't mind sharing everything :)

BadgerDuck1 karma

How long did it take for you to become completely used to the features and display of Google Glass? Is it difficult to adjust to? Also, I know there are people who predict that people will look ridiculous in them while in public. Did you get many strange looks or feel "ridiculous" while wearing them? Thanks for doing the AMA!

db0company1 karma

How long did it take for you to become completely used to the features and display of Google Glass?

Half an hour for the basic features and gestures. It's very simple to use. I'm pretty sure my grandmother could use it.

I tried a few apps that were, as well, very simple. I haven't tried all of them yet.

I discovered yesterday that you can spell words and you can add punctuation by saying it ("exclamation mark", "period"). So maybe I will discover some other features :)

Is it difficult to adjust to?

Do you mean adjust the device on your head?

When I got my device, a Googler explained me how to use it and distort my Glass so it fits on my head.

Also, I know there are people who predict that people will look ridiculous in them while in public. Did you get many strange looks or feel "ridiculous" while wearing them?

I don't think I'm ridiculous or that I look like a cyborg when I wear it.

Here is the list of reactions I saw so far: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1gsz0a/i_use_google_glass_everyday_as_part_of_the/cankf53

Thanks for doing the AMA!

Thanks for asking questions :)

Pampattitude1 karma

Can it / is it used for helping eye handicaped people get there eyesight corrected? When will you come back home? :3


db0company2 karma

Can it / is it used for helping eye handicaped people get there eyesight corrected?

I don't think so and I can't imagine any app that could do that on Google Glass. They will probably sell glasses to add on Google Glass to correct your vision as regular glasses, though. (see http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1gsz0a/i_use_google_glass_everyday_as_part_of_the/cani7xk)

When will you come back home? :3

I'm flying back to France in september.



thesherm1 karma

do you see google glass as something that can be used by people everywhere, everyday? is it affordable?

db0company1 karma

do you see google glass as something that can be used by people everywhere, everyday?


We see more and more people on their phones or tablets everywhere because we're more and more connected. Google Glass is the perfect solution to be connected but enjoy life at the same time.

is it affordable?

It has not been released yet and we don't when it will be nor how much it will cost.

In my opinion, Google should sell it pretty cheap, around $200 (like the Nexus 7), because more people would buy it. And if more people buy it, it will be less "socially awkward" to have it on your face.

thesherm1 karma

Thanks for your answer!

Follow Up Question: What do you use it for most often?

db0company1 karma

I take a lot of pictures (~100/day). I use it to send messages to my friends and sometimes to show them what I see with Google Hangout. I also google a lot of questions since I'm very curious about the world around me.

For now, I use pretty much everyday all the features available by default on Glass, + Google Now (very useful), Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter.

nogrogrein1 karma

If you were biking (just an example), and you fell, what would happen the the glasses? Would they break, or are they durable?

db0company1 karma

They look pretty strong. You can distort them because they're made of titanium. http://www.google.com/glass/start/assets/img/panels/bgs1024x409/light.jpg

I don't want to throw it against a wall to see what will happen, sorry.

drewthehuman1 karma

have you had any eye strains?

db0company2 karma

I think I answered it already: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1gsz0a/i_use_google_glass_everyday_as_part_of_the/canj3nx

Tell me if it's not what you asked for.

ComboBreakerrr1 karma


db0company1 karma

Google Glass's screen is very small and you can't see it if you don't look at it. It's not in the middle of your vision.

When you turn on the screen, you need to look up to see it. When you look at the screen, you can still see through it.

Feel free to ask more.

angelmtz8a1 karma

Can you watch videos on the glasses?

db0company1 karma

For now, you can watch the videos you took and the video stream of your friends on Google Hangout. You can't browse Youtube or something like that.

JaconBacon1 karma

Mostly curious about how it actually works. When in a dark room can you still see it and what does it look like to other people? does the display cover the full area of your vision?

db0company2 karma

Mostly curious about how it actually works. When in a dark room can you still see it

You can see it even better when it's dark around you, but it works very well outside too.

what does it look like to other people?

Other people can see if the screen is turned on or not, but they can't see what you see on Glass.

does the display cover the full area of your vision?

Google Glass's screen is very small and you can't see it if you don't look at it. It's not in the middle of your vision.


ehsteve231 karma

Can you change the activation phrase, or are you stuck with "OK Glass"?

db0company1 karma

You can't change it. Also, you can't add any action other than the default ones. (see http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1gsz0a/i_use_google_glass_everyday_as_part_of_the/canoi1k)

HoldenH1 karma

What do random people say to you when they see it, or how do they look at you

rubydoobiedooooo1 karma

Has anybody tried to get you to let them wear it?

Have you ever felt like you were going to be robbed while you were wearing it in public?

db0company2 karma

Has anybody tried to get you to let them wear it?


Have you ever felt like you were going to be robbed while you were wearing it in public?

No, because I don't go to weird places.

ATierney1 karma

How expensive was the explorer program? I entered the contest but then read that you had to pay like $1,500, have a flight out to NYC or California to pick the glasses up, etc.

Also how does it work to view glass? Is it simply like a having a transparent computer screen in front of you or do you actually see the graphics displayed as part of your surroundings?

db0company2 karma

How expensive was the explorer program? I entered the contest but then read that you had to pay like $1,500, have a flight out to NYC or California to pick the glasses up, etc.

The prototype is $1500 without taxes, which is pretty cheap for a prototype. The release date and price have not been announced yet.

Only people who live in the US could have it since the warranty does not work outside of the US. I had to pick it up in a Google office (Mountain View, Venice Beach or New York and they recently added San Francisco). I live in San Francisco so it was not a problem for me.

The reason why you have to go to one of the offices is that they organize a sort of a ceremony for you, to explain you how the device work, how to synchronize your account, and how to adjust it to your head.

To know more about this ceremony: http://www.catwig.com/google-glass-teardown/

Also how does it work to view glass? Is it simply like a having a transparent computer screen in front of you or do you actually see the graphics displayed as part of your surroundings?

Google Glass's screen is very small and you can't see it if you don't look at it. It's not in the middle of your vision. When you look at the screen, you can still see through it.

Hyvenik1 karma

I have a nexus 7 and don't have much of a use for it. Do you have any suggestions o what I can do with it/good applications. Thanks.

db0company1 karma

Better on a tablet than a phone:

  • Most Google apps have a tablet interface: GMail, Drive, Calendar, Translate, Maps.
  • I use Astrid as my task manager
  • Google Keep to take notes, easier to type on a bigger keyboard (Evernote is also a good alternative)
  • Wikipedia has a good tablet interface
  • I use a usb keyboard to remotly code on my server using SSH Connectbot
  • Apps to browse content online, like GReader (RSS), Reddit, Tumblr, Google+, Facebook, Play Books
  • In general, everything that is easier to do with a bigger screen

Since I got my Nexus 7, I started:

  • Watching videos on Google Play movies, Youtube, VLC
  • Listening to my music on Google Play Music
  • Reading books and magazine on Google Play
  • Playing games that work better on a bigger screen, like DrawSomething, Cut the Ropes or emulators (DS, GameBoy, NES)

I still use my smartphone for :

  • Photography related apps (Camera, Picasa, OCR, scanner, Vine), because it's kind of ridiculous to take pictures with a tablet (and the front camera of the Nexus 7 is crappy)
  • Google Voice, text messages, calls
  • Apps based on GPS like Google Maps, Local, MyTracks, Apps to call a cab

The biggest problem I have with my Nexus 7 is that I don't have an internet connection. So I downloaded a widget to easily tether my connection from my smartphone using wi-fi or bluetooth.

I took a few screenshots of my tablet and one of my smartphone for you: http://photos.db0.fr/?album=Screenshots

Let me know if that helps :)

Crooksyoooo1 karma

Am I wrong to fear even more constant surveillance? Will there be a way to jam Glass' signal if you don't want to be recorded?

db0company1 karma

I'd recommend you to read Google's privacy policy. It's easy to read and comforting.


TwinMonkeys1 karma

Does the device ever get hot when recording a video or running an app?

db0company1 karma

A little bit when you use the directions feature while walking, but nothing serious.

dgaaaaaaaaaa1 karma

Hey, can Glass make phones obsolete? I mean if they include calling(or is it already integrated?) then the only function left for a phone is to act as a router,right?

HrsMinsSecs1 karma

How long have you worked for Google?

db0company1 karma

I'm not a Googler, I'm just a Glass explorer. I know a few Googlers, though, if you have any questions for them :)

Aeri731 karma

how, with the current news about google alowing the gouvernment to access all data... could you ever trust them enough to were those?

db0company1 karma

I don't care about giving everything about my insignificant, normal life to anybody. I have nothing to hide, I'm a pretty honest person. Just my opinion.

However, I can understand that some people have things to hide to their government or to other people. I still trust Google's privacy policies about this.

RedBull4111 karma

Can you wear them if you have poor vision (i'm colorblind, and i don't see on long vision(so i need to wear glasses))? Sorry for my bad english :)

db0company1 karma

See: http://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/1gsz0a/i_use_google_glass_everyday_as_part_of_the/cani7xk

I don't think being colorblind is a problem, since the menus are in black and white.

yopeasants1 karma

What do you think can be improved about Glass?

db0company1 karma

I think I answered this question, but feel free to ask more detailed questions if this is not enough.


C_Eberhard1 karma

I'm sorry if this is a dumb question. If you are using the navigation feature, how do you drive and see?

db0company1 karma

I don't drive. I don't think it will be allowed to drive with Google Glass. As shown on the video, the person next to you on the car can help you using Google Glass. The directions feature is very useful for walking and biking as well.

In my opinion, driving with Glass is as (un)secured as driving with a GPS. Google Glass's screen is very small and you can't see it if you don't look at it. It's not in the middle of your vision.

C_Eberhard1 karma

So where is it located on the screen?

db0company1 karma

Where is what? I don't get it.

The screen is on the top right part of your vision, but it's high enough so you can't see it without looking up.

C_Eberhard1 karma

I thought it projected everything on to the glasses though. Does the projected images stay in the top right section?

db0company1 karma

They're not real glasses, it's just one screen: http://www.google.com/glass/start/assets/img/panels/bgs1024x409/top.jpg

belalugosiscats1 karma

What are you supposed to do if you already wear regular glasses?

db0company1 karma