Link to the playlist of all the 77 answers

list of all the questions + link

Thank you so much for this amazing experience. 77 videos in 1 day later, and I'm still pumped. I never expected such a great response. I'm going to do more videos and video IAMAs in the near future. Love the community vibe we had in the comments. Thank you so much. Chris Here is a thank you video for you

  • Update #3 UNBELIEVABLE. I hit the sac for a few hours and there are so many amazing questions. Thanks so much for engaging with me and asking questions that will benefit myself and the rest of the health and fitness community. I AM BACK TO ANSWERS QUESTIONS NOW. I am going to start working on answering as many questions via video. I cant belive I have already made 60 videos. In the meantime checkout the other videos. Really excited, thank you Reddit

  • Update #2 You guys are AWESOME. I cant belive I have already made 60 videos. I'm going to hit the bed and will come back in a few hours to answer more questions, so post your question and in the meantime checkout the other videos. Really excited, thank you Reddit

  • Update: WOW so many questions, I'm determined to answer them all with a video response. I'm still creating video responses, so feel free to ask your questions. Usually takes 20 min to upload the video and reply to your question. Let's do this.

  • Here is playlist of the answers so far :

  • If you find this valuable please subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make more of these kind of videos

Hi Reddit,

My name is Chris, I am a Professional Natural Bodybuilder, Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, ask me anything about health and fitness and I will try my best to answer. I will reply to each your questions with a specialized video made on the spot. I will post the video link as a reply to your question.

.A little about myself

I have been competing for the last 4 years as a Natural Bodybuilder and coaching others around nutrition and training since 2011.

This is what I look like today

This is what I looked like last year

This is what i looked like 4 years ago

This was 6 months after I started working out


Age: 24 Resides: Toronto, Canada Contest Weight: 165lbs Off-Season Weight: 180lbs Height: 5’7 Marital Status: Married

My outlook on health and fitness has changed dramatically since I first started in 2008, going from the TRADITIONAL HARDCORE or nothing mentality to more of a balanced and flexible approach to training and nutrition. Now I can actually live life lol.

Here is some insight :

3-5 years Ago

*Training: 3x a week, ONLY Chest and Arms, 5-10 sets of 10 reps.

*Nutrition: 2 meals a day, fruit in the morning and whatever I wanted for dinner.

*Philosophy: If I miss a meal or workout its ALL OVER, no going out with friends and supplements are drugs.

*Progress Pics

1-2 years Ago

*Training: Each body part 1x/week, Train to failure on all sets, train body parts equally, 20-30 sets 6-12 reps, Cardio 7 days a week 1 hour a day.

*Nutrition: 6 Meals a day, Only Chicken, White Fish, Sweet Potato, Brown Rice, Green Veggies. No counting macro nutrients just the type of food.

*Philosophy: Go hard or go home. If I don't struggle then I havent worked. If I miss a meal or workout I am a failure but keep going until you are PERFECT. I need my supplements at all times, have to bring my food everywhere I go, so tired I could not function after 7pm, didnt care about nothing but bodybuilding.

*Progress Pics

Over the last 6 months

*Training : Daily Undulating Periodization Training model, switching between power, hypertrophy and strength workouts during the week, Monday/Wednesday/Friday upper body Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday Lower Body, Cardio 4x a week totally 2.5 hours (mix between HIIT and LISS)

*Nutrition : Flexible Dieting, counting and tracking macronutrients to determine intake, eating any food I want within the macronutrient profile I am following, making and eating healthy alternatives to the food I love , not being bound to eating at certain times and certain types of food, making sure solid amounts of fiber and micronutrient intake.

*Philosophy: Live a balanced life, striving for perfection leads you down the road of failure, you have to give yourself a buffer zone to sustain over the long term, don't let health and fitness dominate my life. Strive for excellence in multiple areas of life.

*Progress Pics

I want to share what I have learned through my experiences with the health and fitness community so hopefully people can live a more balanced life while still striving towards their health and fitness goals.

That's why I started Live Young Dream Big. To challenge the ideology of Perfection and share through my own life The Less Than Perfect Approach to a balanced life.

To follow my continuous health and fitness Journey connect with me on:

Youtube Facebook Instagram Twitter


AMA about health and fitness and I will try and answer each question with a video.

Comments: 857 • Responses: 133  • Date: 

lydreambig374 karma

Answers so far :

YouTube playlist of the answers

  • Is it bad for my joints if I do cardio every day? When I work out, I run somewhere between 4-5 miles ? Video Answer

  • Do protein supplements really work? And what type of supplements (Pre, Post, Intra, creatine, AA's, etc) do you really suggest that are worth the money on a rather low budget? Video Answer

  • Out of Shape and where to start* Video Answer

  • What qualifies as natural bodybuilding Video Answer

  • Shoulder pain and how to workout Video Answer

  • How to pack on muscle and training Video Answer

  • Post pregnancy and how to start working out again Video Answer

  • I take a pretty intense class at the gym 4 times a week, and even though I eat breakfast before I go, I'm always starving afterwards. Can you suggest what I should eat before and after? I'm also in a racquetball league, but we play in the afternoons, not mornings, and I don't have this problem after racquetball. Video Answer

  • Hey there. I was wondering if you could shed some light on the whole ectomorph,endomorph, different body type stuff. I've been trying to lose weight now for around six months now and I'm down 32 pounds. I've always been one of those larger kids and my diet was pretty shitty stuff. Now I eat fairly clean except for one day out of the week. However, I noticed I could bust my ass in the gym, really just leave everything in there and eat as clean as a whistle and lose maybe 2 pounds. But if I don't go to the gym for two or three days, and maybe eat fast food twice a week I'll gain four or five pounds. The fucks up with that? Do certain people just gain weight way too easily? Or am I just in a blind carb frenzy where I shove a ridiculous amount of junk food down my meat hole and think it's only twice a week? Thanks buddy. Video Answer

  • Insanity workout problem good or bad? Video Answer

  • Bulking without getting fat Video Answer

  • Peak Week for Bodybuilding Show Video Answer

  • How to get muscle definition and carnivor protein powder Video Answer

  • Putting on weight and weight gainers Video Answer

  • What Exercises to do when starting, without equipment Video Answer

  • Cutting Carbs and Fat loss Video Answer

  • 19 YEARS OLD and over weight where to start for working out Video Answer

  • Is it bad for my joints if I do cardio every day? When I work out, I run somewhere between 4-5 miles ? Video Answer

  • Do protein supplements really work? And what type of supplements (Pre, Post, Intra, creatine, AA's, etc) do you really suggest that are worth the money on a rather low budget? Video Answer

  • Out of Shape and where to start* Video Answer

  • What qualifies as natural bodybuilding Video Answer

  • Shoulder pain and how to workout Video Answer

  • How to pack on muscle and training Video Answer

  • Post pregnancy and how to start working out again Video Answer

  • I take a pretty intense class at the gym 4 times a week, and even though I eat breakfast before I go, I'm always starving afterwards. Can you suggest what I should eat before and after? I'm also in a racquetball league, but we play in the afternoons, not mornings, and I don't have this problem after racquetball. Video Answer

  • Hey there. I was wondering if you could shed some light on the whole ectomorph,endomorph, different body type stuff. I've been trying to lose weight now for around six months now and I'm down 32 pounds. I've always been one of those larger kids and my diet was pretty shitty stuff. Now I eat fairly clean except for one day out of the week. However, I noticed I could bust my ass in the gym, really just leave everything in there and eat as clean as a whistle and lose maybe 2 pounds. But if I don't go to the gym for two or three days, and maybe eat fast food twice a week I'll gain four or five pounds. The fucks up with that? Do certain people just gain weight way too easily? Or am I just in a blind carb frenzy where I shove a ridiculous amount of junk food down my meat hole and think it's only twice a week? Thanks buddy. Video Answer

  • Insanity workout problem good or bad? Video Answer

  • Bulking without getting fat Video Answer

  • Peak Week for Bodybuilding Show Video Answer

  • How to get muscle definition and carnivor protein powder Video Answer

  • Putting on weight and weight gainers Video Answer

  • What Exercises to do when starting, without equipment Video Answer

  • Cutting Carbs and Fat loss Video Answer

  • 19 YEARS OLD and over weight where to start for working out Video Answer

  • Fitting in workouts with busy schedule Video Response

  • Top Foods to eat when cutting Video Response

  • Lagging Calve muscles and making them grow Video Response

  • Bulking routine for putting on Muscle Video Response

  • Get down to 10% body fat Video Response

  • How to be healthy Video Response

  • I look like the old Snooki but want to look like the new Snooki Video Response

  • Stretch marks and loosing weight Video Response

  • How to Lower Body Fat Video Response

  • Used to swim competitively and now put on weight Video Response

  • Can't gain weight and no energy Video Response

  • I cant eat 5000 calories. Do I have to drink weight gainers? Video Response

  • Gain muscle and loose fat Video Response

  • Does intermittent fasting work Video Response

  • Health and fitness and when you push it too far Video Response

  • Does the blood type diet work Video Response

  • How fast should I lift weights Video Response

  • Fitness Changed My Life (Motivational) Video Response

  • Protein Allergies and Substitutes to gain muscle Video Response

  • No more counting calories and diet Video Response

  • Paleo Lifestyle does it work? Video Response

  • How to Build Your chest Video Responses

  • Stretching for squats and deadlifts Video Response

  • Are steroids good or bad? Video Response

  • What it takes to be a personal trainer Video Response

  • Best way to get rid of Love Handles Video Response

  • Natural Bodybuilding and offseason vs contest pre routines Video Response

  • Steroid use and Natural Bodybuilding Video Response

  • Is Crossfit good or bad Video Response

  • Importance of Cardio Video Response

  • Low reps or high reps and which is better Video Response

  • Bro science and catabolic after 3 hours of no food Video Response

  • Best form of cardio for general health Video Response

  • Proper form when lifting weight Video Response

  • How to determine diet plan and calories to loss weight Video Response

  • Proper form when lifting weight Video Response

  • How much protein to eat in 1 sitting and the sweet spot Video Response

  • What I think of the hodge twins Video Response

  • How to overcome plateaus and working out Video Response

  • Vegan and building muscle Video Response

  • The love for bodybuilding Video Response

  • Will cardio burn muscle [Video Response] (Will cardio burn muscle)

  • Get ripped in 5 days Video Response

  • Top 4 supplements to take and my stack Video Response

  • Does P90X work and their nutritional program Video Response

  • At home workout and no gym membership Video Response

  • How to fix obesity in the US Video Response

Evilscience193 karma

This guy is legit strong, he crushed two contractions together!

lydreambig42 karma

lol what?

Tallfire24 karma

What's your view on intermittent fasting?

If you've done it how did you feel and how were your results?

If not, what would be a better alternative to cutting body fat

lydreambig22 karma

Here you go video response.

Let me know what you think

lydreambig8 karma

Great question and video answering coming up

cassmtz12 karma

What activities would you suggest a new mother do to get back into the habit of working out? I was relatively fit prepregnancy and want to get back into it.

lydreambig18 karma

Great question. Making the video now and will upload.

Thanks for the question and congrats on the new born

maxpain5110 karma

Hey there. I was wondering if you could shed some light on the whole ectomorph,endomorph, different body type stuff. I've been trying to lose weight now for around six months now and I'm down 32 pounds. I've always been one of those larger kids and my diet was pretty shitty stuff. Now I eat fairly clean except for one day out of the week. However, I noticed I could bust my ass in the gym, really just leave everything in there and eat as clean as a whistle and lose maybe 2 pounds. But if I don't go to the gym for two or three days, and maybe eat fast food twice a week I'll gain four or five pounds. The fucks up with that? Do certain people just gain weight way too easily? Or am I just in a blind carb frenzy where I shove a ridiculous amount of junk food down my meat hole and think it's only twice a week? Thanks buddy.

lydreambig11 karma

lydreambig10 karma

Solid question and congrats on the 32 pounds lost thats awesome. Video on the way

lightbeersucks10 karma


lydreambig31 karma

I am really big on the new Kayne Album right now.

In general I listen to hip hop to get me pumped. I use the app 8tracks. Amazing app that lets you pick premade playlists by your mood and tags.

Quotes: What the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve.

This always get me jacked

Morsakin9 karma

As an individual with hyperthyroidism attempting to bulk-up in a progressive weight-gain fashion, I keep being told to avoid weight gainers (due to the preservatives etc. in the powder); my question to you is this: How the hell am I supposed to eat 5,000 calories a day eating only healthy foods? I work quite a bit during the week, which doesn't allow me to eat every 2 1/2 - 3 hours as I'd like to, so I pretty much stick to a mixture of: 2-3 weight gainer shakes (including a "Hulk" from Smoothie King, if you're familiar), as well as 3-4 regular meals. Any help would be appreciated.

lydreambig6 karma

Video response for your question

lydreambig1 karma

Video response is a must for your question.

Its on the way.

Viatus8 karma

What is your view on the whole crossfit program? I personally love it but I'm curious what you think.

lydreambig13 karma

Here is your video response to your question

lydreambig8 karma

Love this question.

Video on the way

Indydegrees27 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA!

So I'm a skinny guy, and I want to bulk up without getting fat. Any advice?

lydreambig9 karma

Solid question and video on the way buddy

Here is the video answer

mrpirate236 karma


lydreambig7 karma

It can be confusing I know.

Video Answer on the way

lydreambig3 karma

Here you go video response

Silvaski5 karma

What do you make of the Insanity workout regime?

lydreambig3 karma

Answer on the way my friend

salinger0075 karma


lydreambig10 karma

Pre and post workout nutrition is a super important topic. Video on the way

salinger0073 karma


lydreambig17 karma

Hi Salinger here is my answer

Vespaman4 karma

What do you make of the keto diet? Is it any good for working out?

lydreambig3 karma

Good old Keto.

Ill respond with a video answer

PounderMcNasty4 karma

Do you have a person that spray tans your butt? Who is it?

lydreambig10 karma

No at BB shows they have people there that do it lol.

woogit4 karma

What are your thoughts on the Paleo lifestyle?

lydreambig3 karma

Here you go Video Response to your question

lydreambig1 karma

Amazing Question.

Video uploading as we speak

Bstpitch3 karma

Wish I could upvote this AMA into the record books! Answers with a video. Too cool

lydreambig1 karma

Thanks so much thats amazing

Bstpitch3 karma

Awesome AMA! I'm 5'11, 230lbs.... Guessing 20% fat... Pretty solid muscle base. Decent strength. Bench 1RM 345, dead lift 225 for reps.... If I could get on a quality/realistic cut I would look good. Any advice for people bringing my body type down to 12% or so? Eat clean, eat clean, eat clean. Duh. Carbs are my weakness. How easily can carbs set me back, etc?

lydreambig1 karma

This bad boy I am answering with a video shortly

lydreambig1 karma

Here you go video answer

Let me know what you think

ZergPan3 karma

Where do you train in Toronto? And do you know good any good places? The only good place I found is fitness365 but its like 3 hours away. I'm ok with my current gym(YMCA) but I would prefer something better and cheaper.

lydreambig5 karma

I usually train at Goodlife Fitness for the pure convenience. With so many locations I go train no matter where i am.

Thats the kicker here. Make it as easy as possible to accomplish your health and fitness goals.

Take a look at Goodlife or something close to home/work

PassoOfficial3 karma

What's your opinion on steroids? Also, thanks for this AMA! :)

lydreambig3 karma

No problem.

Video on the way

lydreambig2 karma

Here is my video response to your questions.

fyi82 karma

So basically I look like Snooki. The fat version. Strangers even tell me. What I want is to look like snooki NOW. So u have an idea of how tall I am, Im 5"2. What do I need to do. Ive gained so much weight this year im at 145. Super depressed about it. What confuses me... and my family is... I eat really well. Dont junk too much and eat a ton of good veggies and fruits.

What should I do... im starting to not fit in anything. Please please please help.

lydreambig2 karma

lydreambig1 karma

Video Answer on the way

foreskinface2 karma

Pasting my questions from /r/bodybuilding . Those 4 years definitely show, 'mirin hard and congrats on the hard work! My questions are:

  • What does your routine look like? How does your offseason training compare to your contest prep?

  • Any broscience or gym myth you personally believe or just happen to enjoy hearing it?

  • I've heard from many sources, lots of it from this sub, that 'natural' bodybuilding competitions have a bad rep because even those guys cycle on the juice. What are your thoughts on this and do you think there's a way to change the stigma?


lydreambig3 karma

Here is the video response to Broscience myth

lydreambig2 karma

Great questions and thanks for the compliments.

I will answer each individually with a video

lydreambig2 karma

Here you go video response to offseason vs contest prep routine

lydreambig2 karma

Video Response to Steroid use and natural bodybuilding

Bears-Beets2 karma

Hey Chris,

do you mind posting your specific workout plan? I know you practice DUP and looks like you go 6 days a week, but I'd be interested in details, exercises, sets, reps, and weight!

Thanks in advance.

lydreambig2 karma

Sorry Bears-Beets do to the respect of my DUP mentor and creator of the program Dr.Mike Zourdos, that would not be a cool thing to do as he charges clients for specific programs.

[deleted]2 karma

There is nothing "natural" about that tan champ.

lydreambig1 karma

I know those tans are ridiculous

AFineRedditor2 karma


lydreambig2 karma

I hear this alot and the negative perception of what if only does the mind bad.

Focus on the positive and the great benefits associated with sticking through with health and fitness.

If you focus on at least being active 2-3 times a week over the next xx amount of years I would not be worried about getting fat

thatdirtyloa2 karma

What are your offseason and precontest cycles like?

lydreambig0 karma

What do you mean by cycles?

JB522 karma

How did you get over the mindset of having to count every calorie you eat and just be able to enjoy meals out with family and/or friends? I'm bulking now but have a sensitive stomach due to a stomach disease called gastroparesis. This makes me very paranoid to what I eat because if I eat something that doesn't agree with my stomach I feel like crap and can't eat much for the rest of the day if it's breakfast or lunch, or the next one if the meal is dinner. I'd like to be able to just go out to places and not constantly think about how many calories I might be eating and how much I'll have left over for the rest of the day. I'm not trying to be a bodybuilder or anything, just looking to get to a healthy weight and be in good shape and decently strong.

lydreambig2 karma

Video response to your question.

lydreambig1 karma

What a great question.

Detailed video response on the way

LiftThingsUpThenDown2 karma

You mentioned training power and strength as well as hypertrophy. What are your maxes on the big 3?

Also, I'm a power lifter who has some aesthetic goals as well. I've been playing around with the idea of tossing out the conventional V in favor of becoming as door shaped mofo just because I've got a wicked contrarian streak. How would you suggest programming for that?

lydreambig5 karma

Hey Man loading is taking a long time so I though I would answer via text.

Bench 340 Squat 475 Deadlift 455

I put tons of effort into building them over the last year with solid results using the undulating model of training.

Suggesting a program for become a door shaped mofo is a tough call man. I think its more complex then a specific program. But from a training perspective focusing on width building exercises like lat pull down etc. you should get that barn door growing.

superbuttblast2 karma

Just wanted to let you know, I'm totally mirin. Thanks for doing this AMA.

What are your favorite stretching exercises to help fix squat and dead lift form?

lydreambig2 karma

Thanks dude.

Video on the way

lydreambig1 karma

Here is your video response

SordidCanary2 karma

As an overwieght 19 year old male what are simple diet and exercise routines that will help me shed body fat?

lydreambig1 karma

Video Answer on the way

lydreambig1 karma

Here you go video answer

Let me know what you think

ArcanusFluxer2 karma

I am so glad you are here! I have really been stuck and confused on my chest exercises!

I have been working out for a while now and my arms are bigger and defined. but my chest is still flat with no improvement. When I do flys and presses for my chest, I do not feel anything in my chest, only my arms get tired. Does this mean I'm not really working my chest? How can I build some bulk on my chest?

lydreambig2 karma

Thanks so much.

Video on the way my friend

lydreambig2 karma

Here is my video answer to your question.

SansGray2 karma

What are the best exercises a guy can do who just started working out and who doesn't have any equipment?

lydreambig1 karma

Answer on the way via video thats uploading

lydreambig1 karma

Erthern2 karma

I was wondering; what does it really take to be a personal trainer? And if it's a lot if work

lydreambig2 karma

Video on the way my friend

friendly_pete1 karma

I had a motorbike accident in Thailand last year, since then while training shoulders and chest I get a very dull ache down my left arm (from the shoulder to the elbow). Do you have any tips on how I can work my shoulders without too much pain?

lydreambig1 karma

Here is my reply :)

Thanks pete

friendly_pete1 karma

Thank you very much, I really appreciate this.

lydreambig2 karma

No problem best of luck recovering. Keep the end goal in mind buddy you will get there

bionicnipple1 karma

G'day Chris, thanks for doing this. I just started getting back into lifting after a few years off. I'm eating right and getting sufficient protein while going to the gym M-W-F. To get some muscle packed on, any great starting tips that you wish someone would have told you years ago?

lydreambig1 karma

Hey Bionic here is my answer

bionicnipple1 karma

Dude you are awesome, that is great advice, keep up the good work!

lydreambig1 karma

No problem. Thanks alot

lydreambig1 karma

No problem glad to chat with the others passionate about health and fitness. Video in the queue and uploading.


lydreambig1 karma

Update #2 You guys are AWESOME. I cant belive I have already made 60 videos. I'm going to hit the bed and will come back in a few hours to answer more questions, so post your question and in the meantime checkout the other videos. Really excited, thank you Reddit

Watch the playlist here :

Or a list of all the questions with links to the videos

See you in a few hours.

r3nny1 karma

Is it bad for my joints if I do cardio every day? When I work out, I run somewhere between 4-5 miles.

lydreambig2 karma

Uploading as we speak R3nny. Thanks for the questions

lydreambig2 karma

r3nny1 karma

Thanks for the super thorough answer!

lydreambig1 karma

Your very welcome

HashtagWhoa1 karma

What qualifies as all natural? What can and can't you take?

Do protein supplements really work? And what type of supplements (Pre, Post, Intra, creatine, AA's, etc) do you really suggest that are worth the money on a rather low budget?

Do you have a routine that you usually do, and/or what routine would you suggest to build muscle for a college aged student who has some experience but has been out of it for awhile and trying to will his way back into shape?

I appreciate your time. I've always been interested in picking the brains of those who truly are proven to know what they are doing.

lydreambig1 karma

Great Questions Hashtagwhoa.

I am answering individually because they are valuable stuff for others to learn.

In the queue for uploading.


lydreambig1 karma

Here you go. Do Protein supps work and what are the core supps to take on a budget.

Here you go What qualifies as all natural? What can and can't you take?